发布时间:2018-07-13 14:02
【摘要】: 知识经济时代,企业竞争的成败在很大程度上受到人才竞争的左右,吸引与留用人才被视为决定企业成败的重要因素之一;同时,随着市场经济的发展、劳动力市场的逐渐成熟,员工的自主意识日益增强,传统上雇主的强势地位正在被削弱,由此产生的劳动力频繁流动与企业人才缺口不断扩大的矛盾越来越激化,企业和员工之间的信任产生了危机,失去了相互信任的依托。出于竞争的迫切需要,企业必须要拥有吸引潜在员工,保留现有核心员工的能力,提高他们对组织、对工作的满意度,进而增进整个组织的绩效。这种能力可以使企业在人力资源市场上赢得持久性的竞争优势。雇主品牌就是在这样的背景下产生的,越来越多的欧美企业开始重视雇主品牌传递的信息,并试图使用品牌建设的方法塑造优秀雇主品牌形象来提高企业对潜在和现有员工的吸引力。因此,创建良好的雇主品牌将成为今后很长一段时间内战略人力资源管理发展的最根本趋势。伦敦商学院教授查尔斯·汉迪说:“今后,我们将不再‘寻找工作’,而是要‘寻找雇主’”1。 雇主品牌(Employer brand)是企业的潜在(包括离职员工)和现有员工将企业作为工作地的所有功能和情感方面感知的总和,它是继企业形象品牌、产品品牌之后的第三种品牌。雇主品牌的概念源于市场营销管理,它将营销理念运用于企业员工2,将员工视为最有价值的客户,充分了解他们需求,向他们提供与其它企业雇主不同的价值来吸引和保留优秀员工,获取他们的忠诚。雇主品牌的核心和基础就是整合各种人力资源策略,向企业潜在和现有的目标员工展示本企业雇主品牌独特的功能性价值、体验性价值和象征性价值,并努力使其成为具有高知名度、高美誉度的品牌资产。 所谓“最佳雇主”,并非以传统的资产或经济报酬作为唯一的评价标准,而是将员工在企业中工作的成就、感受作为主要的评价依据。翰威特咨询公司在调查中指出,员工在一家公司工作有成就感的定义是:不仅员工对公司制度满意,而且更重要的是让员工在满意度之外还有强烈的敬业动机。它包含三个重要的层面:乐于宣传——主动对外宣扬公司的优点;乐于留下——喜欢留在这家公司;乐于全力以赴——愿意付出更多时间或精力帮助公司达成目标。 缺少雇主品牌意识必会导致企业组织的分崩离析,并不断为员工的离职承担高昂的人力成本。据调查,各公司花在人员流动上的成本是支付给雇员年薪的1.5至3倍,56%的经理人员和64%的普通员工每年有12次考虑离职,38%的经理人员和47%的普通员工不满意他们的工作3。这是值得任何一个企业高度重视的问题,无论企业的大小和强弱都不能成为忽视雇主品牌建设的理由或是借口。 企业进行雇主品牌建设和雇主品牌营销目的是为了借助这样一个良好的平台,开启畅通的渠道,从而能够吸引并留住自己想要的优秀人才。 本文通过总结国外学者对雇主品牌研究的分析,主要集中在以下几个方面: (1)不同的学者从不同的角度和层面来定义雇主品牌,即有学者从利益面来定义雇主品牌,认为其是功能性、经济性和心理利益的总和。也有学者从组织层面定义雇主品牌认为其是区别于其他竞争者不同的概念;(2)主张将营销学知识和工具应用于雇主品牌领域,让现有员工和潜在员工在这里工作会比在其他竞争对手的企业里更令人满意;(3)强调雇主品牌与产品品牌内在关联性,通过模型分析阐述雇主品牌对建立消费者忠诚的积极意义,因为忠诚的员工才会促进消费者的忠诚;(4)企业制度建设与雇主品牌的关系,强调了福利、员工培训对雇主品牌的积极作用。 综合国内学者的研究成果,大致出现了以下特点:(1)大多数学者尝试提出雇主品牌建设的思路,对企业建设雇主品牌给出了自己的看法和见解,但是未能将思路进行整合,形成一个有效的机制提出,在实际操作层面还有待发展。(2)对雇主品牌的研究紧密结合营销理论,从内部营销到全员营销以及运用4P等营销理论对雇主品牌进行分析,借鉴营销理论进行雇主品牌路径分析。这是一种极为有益的探索,为今后的理论研究提供了研究的思路。(3)对雇主品牌的研究逐渐关注于人力资源和组织行为更深层次的方面,如研究企业社会责任、心理契约对雇主品牌的影响,对雇主品牌的研究开始进入到冰山之下。 本文正是基于雇主品牌对企业获取人才竞争优势的重要作用,通过借鉴市场营销学理论和管理学理论构建了雇主品牌建设及营销策略的分析模型进行分析。希望能够对雇主品牌进行一个深入、系统的分析,同时依据该模型建立一套具有操作性的雇主品牌评价指标体系,从雇主品牌的战略制定到战术执行提出一些合理化的建议,以期为企业提供有益的建议和参考,相信对国内雇主品牌的研究和实践都有较为重要的意义。 本文由绪言、正文(四章)和结束语组成,主要内容如下: 绪言部分阐述了本文选题的背景以及对该问题研究的理论与实践意义。首先对知识经济时代人力资源复杂性、全球人才市场发生变化等宏观环境进行分析,提出了对雇主品牌的迫切需要;接着对国内外雇主品牌研究现状进行综述,分别概括出国内外对雇主品牌研究的特点和进展;最后介绍了本文研究的框架、方法以及创新点。 第一章阐述了雇主品牌的理论基础。从雇主、雇员等基本概念介绍起,包括与雇主品牌相关的概念,如内部营销等,之后阐述了雇主品牌的价值,区分了雇主品牌与企业品牌、产品品牌的关系,明确提出了雇主品牌战略、雇主品牌营销的思想。最后阐述了雇主品牌的理论基础,竞争优势理论和核心竞争力理论为研究雇主品牌的重要性提供了理论基础;战略管理理论作为雇主品牌战略的基础性理论,为研究雇主品牌战略提供了思路和工具;品牌理论、内部营销理论以及4R营销组合理论都是本次研究中借鉴的市场营销理论运用于雇主品牌的研究中;心理契约理论是人力资源管理领域应用广泛的一个理论,而雇主品牌本身就是企业用以搭建与员工心理契约的载体。 第二章介绍了企业雇主品牌建设与营销策略的分析模型,将雇主品牌分成建设和营销两个方面,旨在深入探讨雇主品牌建设的内容、构成和雇主品牌营销策略的制定。首先理清雇主品牌的战略,分别从雇主品牌环境分析,了解员工需求并排序以及对雇主品牌战略进行定位三个方面来清晰化雇主品牌的战略意图;接着从企业文化建设、合理的招聘、公平而有激励的绩效管理体系、良好的培训和职业生涯规划管理以及承担社会责任等方面进行基于营销理念的雇主品牌建设,重点关注企业的“内部品质”;最后借鉴4R营销理论组合,赋予与顾客建立关联(Relevancy),提高市场反应速度(Response),关系营销(Relationship),回报(Reward)四个方面新的内涵构成了雇主品牌营销策略。 第三章借鉴了华信惠悦咨询公司对雇主品牌进行评价的10个维度并结合前文对雇主品牌建设和营销策略分析模型,从企业层面、员工层面和雇主品牌自身层面三个层面设计了雇主品牌评价指标体系。 第四章以西门子公司的雇主品牌策略为例进行了案例分析。 最后是结束语。总结了全文的主要论点,并提出了一些需要深入探讨的问题。 本文以归纳分析作为主要的分析方法,文中形成了一些较有新意的研究: 1.论文选题新颖。雇主品牌(Employer Brand)这一概念自1984年才第一次出现在人们的视线中,而关于雇主品牌的正式研究则开始于1997年左右,但大量的研究与实践从2000年才真正开始。仅从时间上就可以判断出对雇主品牌的研究是一个非常新的研究领域,大量的研究还处于定性的分析其概念和内涵层面。正是出于对雇主品牌研究极富价值的判断,笔者才选择了以雇主品牌作为本次研究的内容;2.尝试建立雇主品牌建设及营销策略的分析模型。由于目前国内外尚未对雇主品牌的内涵和管理模型形成统一的、完整的研究结论,该模型根据营销管理,人力资源管理等方面的知识和工具,将雇主品牌的相关内容整合于一个完整的体系中,为后续研究提供了参考方向;3.建立雇主品牌评价指标体系,从企业、员工和品牌本身三个层面进行分解,初步对雇主品牌进行了定量研究。目前国内外对雇主品牌进行定量化研究很少,雇主品牌的价值和效益很难被评估和测量。本文通过对雇主品牌评价体系的初步尝试意图对雇主品牌的价值和效益进行评估和测量,也为今后的研究提供了参考。
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the success or failure of enterprise competition is greatly influenced by the competition of talents. Attracting and retaining talents is regarded as one of the important factors to determine the success or failure of the enterprise. At the same time, with the development of the market economy, the labor market is gradually mature, the self-awareness of the employees is increasing, and the strong position of the traditional employers is being exploited. Weak, the contradiction between the frequent flow of labor force and the continuous expansion of enterprise talent gap has become more and more intense. Trust between enterprises and employees has created a crisis and lost mutual trust. For the urgent need of competition, enterprises must have the ability to attract potential employees, retain the existing core staff, and improve their organization, The satisfaction of the job and the performance of the organization can enhance the performance of the whole organization. This ability can make the enterprise win a lasting competitive advantage in the human resource market. The employer brand is produced in this context. More and more European and American enterprises begin to attach importance to the letter of employer brand transfer, and try to use brand building methods to shape the advantages. Thus, creating a good employer brand will be the most fundamental trend in strategic human resource management for a long time. Charles Handy, a professor at London Business School, said: "in the future, we will no longer 'look for work', but 'look for employment'. Lord '1.
The employer brand (Employer brand) is the sum of all the functional and emotional aspects of the enterprise's potential (including the employee turnover) and the existing employees as the working place. It is the third brand following the corporate image brand and the product brand. The concept of the employer brand derives from the marketing management. It applies the marketing concept to the enterprise staff. Job 2, regard employees as the most valuable customers, fully understand their needs, provide them with different values from other employers to attract and retain excellent employees and acquire their loyalty. The core and foundation of the employer's brand is to integrate various human resource strategies to show the employer's employer to the potential and existing target employees. Brand unique functional value, experiential value and symbolic value, and strive to make it a high reputation, high reputation brand assets.
The "best employer" is not the sole criterion of the traditional asset or economic reward, but the achievement of the employees' work in the enterprise as the main basis for evaluation. And more importantly, there is a strong dedication to employee satisfaction. It contains three important aspects: to be willing to publicize - proactively to publicize the strengths of the company; be willing to stay - like to stay in the company; be willing to go all out - willing to pay more time or energy to help the company achieve its goals.
The lack of employer brand awareness will lead to the disintegration of the organization and the high cost of manpower for employee turnover. According to the survey, the cost of staff turnover is 1.5 to 3 times as much as the annual salary for employees, 56% of managers and 64% of ordinary employees are leaving 12 times per year, 38% managers and 47%. Ordinary employees are not satisfied with their work 3.. This is a problem worthy of any enterprise. The size and strength of the enterprise can not be the reason or excuse to ignore the construction of the employer's brand.
The purpose of the employer brand building and the employer brand marketing is to use such a good platform to open a smooth channel so as to attract and retain the talented people you want.
This article summarizes foreign scholars' analysis of employer brand research, focusing on the following aspects:
(1) different scholars define the employer brand from different angles and levels, that is, some scholars define the employer brand from the interest side, and think that it is the sum of functional, economic and psychological benefits. Some scholars define the employer brand from the organizational level as different from other competing people; (2) advocating marketing knowledge and work. It should be used in the field of employer brand, so that the existing employees and potential employees will work more satisfactorily than those in other competitors; (3) emphasize the intrinsic relationship between the employer brand and the product brand, and explain the positive significance of the employer brand to the establishment of consumer loyalty through the model analysis, because the loyal employees will promote the consumption. (4) the relationship between corporate system construction and employer brand emphasizes the positive effect of welfare and staff training on employer brand.
Comprehensive domestic scholars' research results generally have the following characteristics: (1) most scholars try to put forward the idea of employer brand construction, give their own views and views on the enterprise building employer brand, but fail to integrate the ideas, form an effective mechanism, and have to be developed at the practical level. (2) employers Brand research closely combines marketing theory, from internal marketing to full marketing and the use of 4P marketing theory to analyze the employer brand, use the marketing theory to carry out the employer brand path analysis. This is a very useful exploration for future theoretical research. (3) the research of employer brand is gradually concerned. In a deeper level of human resources and organizational behavior, such as the study of corporate social responsibility and the impact of psychological contracts on employers' brands, the study of employers' brands began to go under the iceberg.
This article is based on the important role of the employer brand on the competitive advantage of the enterprise. By using the theory of marketing and the theory of management to analyze the model of the employer brand construction and marketing strategy, we hope to make an in-depth and systematic analysis of the employer brand, and establish a set of tools based on the model. The operational employer brand evaluation index system has put forward some rationalized suggestions from the strategic formulation of the employer brand to the tactical implementation, in order to provide useful advice and reference for the enterprise. It is believed that it is of great significance to the research and practice of the domestic employer brand.
This article is composed of the preface, the main body (four chapters) and the concluding remarks. The main contents are as follows:
The preface describes the background of this topic and the theoretical and practical significance of the study. Firstly, it analyzes the complexity of human resources in the era of knowledge economy and the change of the global talent market, and puts forward the urgent need for the employer brand, and then summarizes the current status of the research on employers' brands at home and abroad, respectively. The characteristics and progress of employer brand research abroad and abroad are summarized. Finally, the framework, method and innovation of this study are introduced.
The first chapter expounds the theoretical basis of the employer brand, from the basic concepts of employers and employees, including the concepts related to the employer brand, such as the internal marketing, and then expounds the value of the employer brand, distinguishes the relationship between the employer brand and the enterprise brand, the product brand, and clearly puts forward the employer brand strategy and the thinking of the employer brand marketing. Finally, the theoretical basis of the employer brand is expounded. The theory of competitive advantage and the theory of core competitiveness provide the theoretical basis for the importance of the study of the employer brand. As the basic theory of the employer brand strategy, the strategic management theory provides the ideas and tools for the study of the employer brand strategy, brand theory, internal marketing theory and 4R camp. The theory of marketing combined with marketing theory is used in the study of employer brand in this study. The theory of psychological contract is a theory widely used in the field of human resource management, and the employer brand itself is the carrier of enterprise to build psychological contract with employees.
The second chapter introduces the analysis model of the employer brand construction and marketing strategy, divides the employer brand into two aspects of construction and marketing. It aims to discuss the content of the employer brand construction and the formulation of the employer brand marketing strategy. First, clarify the employer brand strategy, analyze the employer brand environment and understand the employee's needs respectively. And sorting and positioning of the employer brand strategy three aspects to clear the strategic intention of the employer brand, and then from the enterprise culture construction, reasonable recruitment, fair and incentive performance management system, good training and career planning management and responsibility for social responsibility and other aspects of the employer brand based on marketing concept. Construction, focusing on the "internal quality" of the enterprise; finally, using the combination of 4R marketing theory, endow the customer with Relevancy, improve the market response speed (Response), relationship marketing (Relationship), and return (Reward) the new connotation of the four aspects of the employer brand marketing strategy.
The third chapter draws on the 10 dimensions of the evaluation of the employer brand by Hua Xin Hui Yue and combined with the previous analysis model of the employer brand construction and marketing strategy, and designs the employer brand evaluation index system from the enterprise level, the employee level and the employer brand itself level three levels.
The fourth chapter takes SIEMENS's employer brand strategy as an example to analyze the case.
The last part is the concluding remarks. The main points of the thesis are summarized, and some questions that need further discussion are put forward.
In this paper, inductive analysis is used as the main analysis method.
1. the title of the 1. paper is novel. The concept of the employer brand (Employer Brand) was the first time in 1984, while the formal research on the employer's brand began in the 1997, but a lot of research and practice began in 2000. In the new field of research, a large number of research is still in the qualitative analysis of its concept and connotation. It is only from the judgment of the great value of the employer brand research that the author chooses the employer brand as the content of this study; 2. attempts to establish an analysis model of the employer brand construction and marketing strategy. The connotation and management model of the brand form a unified and complete research conclusion. The model integrates the related contents of the employer brand in a complete system according to the knowledge and tools of marketing management and human resource management, and provides a reference direction for the follow-up research. 3. the evaluation index system of the employer brand is set up, from the enterprise and the employees. At present, the quantitative research on the employer brand is carried out in the three aspects of the brand itself. At present, there are few quantitative studies on the employer brand at home and abroad, and the value and benefit of the employer brand are difficult to be evaluated and measured. The estimation and measurement also provide a reference for future research.
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the success or failure of enterprise competition is greatly influenced by the competition of talents. Attracting and retaining talents is regarded as one of the important factors to determine the success or failure of the enterprise. At the same time, with the development of the market economy, the labor market is gradually mature, the self-awareness of the employees is increasing, and the strong position of the traditional employers is being exploited. Weak, the contradiction between the frequent flow of labor force and the continuous expansion of enterprise talent gap has become more and more intense. Trust between enterprises and employees has created a crisis and lost mutual trust. For the urgent need of competition, enterprises must have the ability to attract potential employees, retain the existing core staff, and improve their organization, The satisfaction of the job and the performance of the organization can enhance the performance of the whole organization. This ability can make the enterprise win a lasting competitive advantage in the human resource market. The employer brand is produced in this context. More and more European and American enterprises begin to attach importance to the letter of employer brand transfer, and try to use brand building methods to shape the advantages. Thus, creating a good employer brand will be the most fundamental trend in strategic human resource management for a long time. Charles Handy, a professor at London Business School, said: "in the future, we will no longer 'look for work', but 'look for employment'. Lord '1.
The employer brand (Employer brand) is the sum of all the functional and emotional aspects of the enterprise's potential (including the employee turnover) and the existing employees as the working place. It is the third brand following the corporate image brand and the product brand. The concept of the employer brand derives from the marketing management. It applies the marketing concept to the enterprise staff. Job 2, regard employees as the most valuable customers, fully understand their needs, provide them with different values from other employers to attract and retain excellent employees and acquire their loyalty. The core and foundation of the employer's brand is to integrate various human resource strategies to show the employer's employer to the potential and existing target employees. Brand unique functional value, experiential value and symbolic value, and strive to make it a high reputation, high reputation brand assets.
The "best employer" is not the sole criterion of the traditional asset or economic reward, but the achievement of the employees' work in the enterprise as the main basis for evaluation. And more importantly, there is a strong dedication to employee satisfaction. It contains three important aspects: to be willing to publicize - proactively to publicize the strengths of the company; be willing to stay - like to stay in the company; be willing to go all out - willing to pay more time or energy to help the company achieve its goals.
The lack of employer brand awareness will lead to the disintegration of the organization and the high cost of manpower for employee turnover. According to the survey, the cost of staff turnover is 1.5 to 3 times as much as the annual salary for employees, 56% of managers and 64% of ordinary employees are leaving 12 times per year, 38% managers and 47%. Ordinary employees are not satisfied with their work 3.. This is a problem worthy of any enterprise. The size and strength of the enterprise can not be the reason or excuse to ignore the construction of the employer's brand.
The purpose of the employer brand building and the employer brand marketing is to use such a good platform to open a smooth channel so as to attract and retain the talented people you want.
This article summarizes foreign scholars' analysis of employer brand research, focusing on the following aspects:
(1) different scholars define the employer brand from different angles and levels, that is, some scholars define the employer brand from the interest side, and think that it is the sum of functional, economic and psychological benefits. Some scholars define the employer brand from the organizational level as different from other competing people; (2) advocating marketing knowledge and work. It should be used in the field of employer brand, so that the existing employees and potential employees will work more satisfactorily than those in other competitors; (3) emphasize the intrinsic relationship between the employer brand and the product brand, and explain the positive significance of the employer brand to the establishment of consumer loyalty through the model analysis, because the loyal employees will promote the consumption. (4) the relationship between corporate system construction and employer brand emphasizes the positive effect of welfare and staff training on employer brand.
Comprehensive domestic scholars' research results generally have the following characteristics: (1) most scholars try to put forward the idea of employer brand construction, give their own views and views on the enterprise building employer brand, but fail to integrate the ideas, form an effective mechanism, and have to be developed at the practical level. (2) employers Brand research closely combines marketing theory, from internal marketing to full marketing and the use of 4P marketing theory to analyze the employer brand, use the marketing theory to carry out the employer brand path analysis. This is a very useful exploration for future theoretical research. (3) the research of employer brand is gradually concerned. In a deeper level of human resources and organizational behavior, such as the study of corporate social responsibility and the impact of psychological contracts on employers' brands, the study of employers' brands began to go under the iceberg.
This article is based on the important role of the employer brand on the competitive advantage of the enterprise. By using the theory of marketing and the theory of management to analyze the model of the employer brand construction and marketing strategy, we hope to make an in-depth and systematic analysis of the employer brand, and establish a set of tools based on the model. The operational employer brand evaluation index system has put forward some rationalized suggestions from the strategic formulation of the employer brand to the tactical implementation, in order to provide useful advice and reference for the enterprise. It is believed that it is of great significance to the research and practice of the domestic employer brand.
This article is composed of the preface, the main body (four chapters) and the concluding remarks. The main contents are as follows:
The preface describes the background of this topic and the theoretical and practical significance of the study. Firstly, it analyzes the complexity of human resources in the era of knowledge economy and the change of the global talent market, and puts forward the urgent need for the employer brand, and then summarizes the current status of the research on employers' brands at home and abroad, respectively. The characteristics and progress of employer brand research abroad and abroad are summarized. Finally, the framework, method and innovation of this study are introduced.
The first chapter expounds the theoretical basis of the employer brand, from the basic concepts of employers and employees, including the concepts related to the employer brand, such as the internal marketing, and then expounds the value of the employer brand, distinguishes the relationship between the employer brand and the enterprise brand, the product brand, and clearly puts forward the employer brand strategy and the thinking of the employer brand marketing. Finally, the theoretical basis of the employer brand is expounded. The theory of competitive advantage and the theory of core competitiveness provide the theoretical basis for the importance of the study of the employer brand. As the basic theory of the employer brand strategy, the strategic management theory provides the ideas and tools for the study of the employer brand strategy, brand theory, internal marketing theory and 4R camp. The theory of marketing combined with marketing theory is used in the study of employer brand in this study. The theory of psychological contract is a theory widely used in the field of human resource management, and the employer brand itself is the carrier of enterprise to build psychological contract with employees.
The second chapter introduces the analysis model of the employer brand construction and marketing strategy, divides the employer brand into two aspects of construction and marketing. It aims to discuss the content of the employer brand construction and the formulation of the employer brand marketing strategy. First, clarify the employer brand strategy, analyze the employer brand environment and understand the employee's needs respectively. And sorting and positioning of the employer brand strategy three aspects to clear the strategic intention of the employer brand, and then from the enterprise culture construction, reasonable recruitment, fair and incentive performance management system, good training and career planning management and responsibility for social responsibility and other aspects of the employer brand based on marketing concept. Construction, focusing on the "internal quality" of the enterprise; finally, using the combination of 4R marketing theory, endow the customer with Relevancy, improve the market response speed (Response), relationship marketing (Relationship), and return (Reward) the new connotation of the four aspects of the employer brand marketing strategy.
The third chapter draws on the 10 dimensions of the evaluation of the employer brand by Hua Xin Hui Yue and combined with the previous analysis model of the employer brand construction and marketing strategy, and designs the employer brand evaluation index system from the enterprise level, the employee level and the employer brand itself level three levels.
The fourth chapter takes SIEMENS's employer brand strategy as an example to analyze the case.
The last part is the concluding remarks. The main points of the thesis are summarized, and some questions that need further discussion are put forward.
In this paper, inductive analysis is used as the main analysis method.
1. the title of the 1. paper is novel. The concept of the employer brand (Employer Brand) was the first time in 1984, while the formal research on the employer's brand began in the 1997, but a lot of research and practice began in 2000. In the new field of research, a large number of research is still in the qualitative analysis of its concept and connotation. It is only from the judgment of the great value of the employer brand research that the author chooses the employer brand as the content of this study; 2. attempts to establish an analysis model of the employer brand construction and marketing strategy. The connotation and management model of the brand form a unified and complete research conclusion. The model integrates the related contents of the employer brand in a complete system according to the knowledge and tools of marketing management and human resource management, and provides a reference direction for the follow-up research. 3. the evaluation index system of the employer brand is set up, from the enterprise and the employees. At present, the quantitative research on the employer brand is carried out in the three aspects of the brand itself. At present, there are few quantitative studies on the employer brand at home and abroad, and the value and benefit of the employer brand are difficult to be evaluated and measured. The estimation and measurement also provide a reference for future research.
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1 高涛;雇主品牌影响因素及建设模型的实证研究[D];西南财经大学;2009年
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