[Abstract]:Developing brand agriculture is an important choice to adapt to the trend of world agriculture evolution and promote agricultural competitiveness. How to strengthen agriculture and become a strong city by agricultural and sideline products production and processing is a problem that must be seriously studied and considered. Through collecting relevant data, historical data and investigation on the current situation of brand agriculture development in Luohe City, this paper concretely analyzes the new problems and restrictive factors that brand agriculture is facing at the present stage. The paper puts forward the key countermeasures of developing brand agriculture in Luohe city under the situation of building new socialist countryside. The main results are as follows: 1. The history and present situation of climate, land, water conservancy, biological and other agricultural natural resources, social and economic conditions, and the development of brand agriculture in Luohe City were investigated. The basic situation, potential advantages, main problems and their causes of the development of brand agriculture in Luohe City are comprehensively combed. (1) the brand concept is relatively backward; (2) the scale benefit is low, Low brand utilization rate; (3) unbalanced development of agricultural and sideline products processing industry; (4) insufficient investment in agricultural standardization and quality and safety of agricultural products; (5) unbalanced development of agricultural industrialization; (6) lack of famous trademarks of products and low degree of marketization. 3. The countermeasures for the development of brand agriculture in Luohe City are put forward. (1) changing ideas and establishing brand consciousness; (2) giving full play to the advantages and expanding the scale of the base; (3) improving the quality and upgrading the product grade; (4) giving full play to the characteristics and cultivating the famous brands; (5) actively cultivating the carrier. Establish brand foundation; (6) strengthen propaganda, bring brand effect into play; (7) promote agriculture by science and technology, and improve technology content; (8) strengthen agricultural brand cultivation and support.
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