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发布时间:2018-09-04 06:15
[Abstract]:[objective] to provide a reference for the development of modern agriculture. [methods] the present situation of modern agriculture in Wuxuan County was investigated, and the existing problems were analyzed. [results] the present situation of modern agriculture: grain and sugar cane became two pillar industries; Characteristic industries are basically formed; leading enterprises are playing a more and more important role; the main business bodies have changed and cooperative organizations have just started; agricultural industrialization has gradually formed. The existing problems are: the production quality of agricultural products is difficult to guarantee; the comparative benefit of agricultural production is low; the quality of agricultural labor force can not keep up with the pace of modern agriculture; the degree of production organization is low; The main body of management is not aware of the brand construction of agricultural products. [suggestions] innovating the concept and means of agricultural development; training and attracting talents; speeding up the training of new type of professional farmers; speeding up the pace of construction of modern agricultural industry system; Speed up the transformation of agricultural management mode; strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure; improve agriculture with scientific and technological innovation; improve the input mechanism of modern agriculture.
【作者单位】: 武宣县农业技术推广站;


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