[Abstract]:Information exploding, brain space is limited, audiences can't remember complex and chaotic information, making brand building extremely difficult. If a brand extracts the unique key words it represents and implants it deeply into the minds of the audience, it will have a great positive impact on brand building, which is the word occupying the brain. According to the different division path, the keyword has the different type, because the category has the very big actual combat value in the actual marketing expansion, therefore the author mainly talks about how to create the category key word here, The author sums up five methods of building: 1, leading into the strong category without a strong brand, attacking its own (or rival) category, perfecting the category pattern, searching for the weakness of the category leading brand, achieving the strong position of the category, and aiming at the competitive category. In this paper, we set up opposite new category 5, analyze all kinds of characteristic factors of big category market, and then establish distinctive characteristic category market. According to the category keyword model, the author applies it to the actual brand building of the group company. Since the establishment of the company in 2002, the rapid development of the Group has been severely inhibited. The group is stuck in a tough decision: where is the next growth point? After in-depth analysis, the author puts forward the solution: on the basis of continuing intensive and intensive cultivation of the existing market, we should look for a new independent category market in the hospital market again, and this category has considerable market space. Can become the group's new strong growth point of value, become the group strategic layout of a shining piece. Thus, the new value category of "GB Hospital" was born. The author proves the possibility and huge market space of the category of Tibetan hospital by the method of category division path, "market attractiveness-competitiveness model" and so on. It is found that "Tibetan hospital" is a large category market. What is rare is that the number of brands in this market is small, the overall level is low, and the competitiveness is weak. At most, there are only two strong regional brands, and they are only confined to Tibetan areas, which can hardly give any radiation to the vast number of non-Tibetan areas. The lack of a national leading brand in this category leaves huge market opportunities for latecomers. If the newly entered brand works properly, it is quite possible to expand the category market of "Cang Hospital" together and have the opportunity to become the national leading brand in this category market. Then the author established the strategic decision planning and series marketing promotion strategy of "GB Cang Hospital", and made brilliant achievements after the project was launched one year later.
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