[Abstract]:After nearly 20 years of rapid development, China's modern automobile industry has finally formed its own R & D and manufacturing system. At present the domestic car market independent brand has ushered in the opportunity of overall rise: in the micro-sedan car market below 80,000 yuan, there are Chery, Xiali and other economic household cars with a market of 10-120,000 yuan as the representative; In the 15-20 million high-class car market, Pentium is the dominant position in the market. FAW Pentium as the first high-starting point, high-quality, high-performance brand high-class cars, since the day of development has received attention. We believe that the new generation of commercial vehicles with "safety, control and comfort" features will surely bring more and better choices to domestic consumers, and will also lead to greater changes in the middle and high class car market. Therefore, this paper analyzes the marketing strategy of Pentium car in China in detail. The purpose of this paper is to recognize the advantages of our own brand car in the market competition through the research of Pentium car marketing strategy. On the basis of this, the author puts forward the development countermeasure of our country's own brand car, and forecasts its future. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the research background and significance of this paper, the second chapter describes the development of the world automobile industry and the development of Red Flag cars in China. The third chapter mainly studies the transnational corporation marketing development situation, including the sales system establishment, the network sale present situation and the management pattern. The fourth chapter is the focus of this paper, through the SWOT analysis of Pentium car in the competitive advantages and disadvantages, and the specific analysis of its market positioning and target market selection, and then detailed analysis of its product strategy, price strategy, Channel strategy and promotion strategy. The fifth chapter is based on the previous chapters to discuss the factors restricting the independent brand automobile marketing, the status quo of the independent brand automobile marketing and countermeasures, and prospects for its future.
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