[Abstract]:The open and competitive world, in a sense, is the world of brands. In the increasingly competitive market, brand is the soul of the market. The competitiveness of products, the competitiveness of enterprises is ultimately reflected in the competitiveness of the brand. International market competition has crossed the stage of product competition and entered the era of brand competition. Whether a country has an international famous brand or not and how many international famous brands it has become a symbol of its economic strength and international competitiveness. In order to be invincible in the international competition, our export enterprises must adapt to the requirements of the era of brand competition, attach importance to and implement the brand strategy. Based on the study of the global status of Chinese export enterprises and the difficulties faced by Chinese export enterprises, this paper puts forward the motive of selecting the topic of this paper. Combined with the definition and characteristics of brand and brand strategy, this paper analyzes the current situation of Chinese export enterprise brand, and analyzes the plight of Chinese export enterprise brand strategy. Thus leads to the Chinese export enterprise brand strategy urgently needs to solve the key problems. The third chapter discusses how to solve these problems: section one discusses which export enterprises are suitable for brand strategy, and section II discusses how to plan and implement brand strategy step by step. The third section discusses the choice and adjustment of Chinese export enterprise brand expansion model through the analysis of the typical model of domestic enterprise brand expansion. The fourth section discusses the role of Chinese government in export brand construction. Chapter four discusses the application of brand strategy and its enlightening significance through a concrete example of brand strategy implemented by small and medium-sized export enterprises. Finally, the fifth chapter describes the main conclusions and shortcomings of this study.
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