[Abstract]:Brand is the comprehensive embodiment of the competitiveness of enterprises and even the country, and represents the direction of upgrading structural reform on the supply side. The Party and the government attach great importance to brand work, and propose that Chinese products should be transformed into Chinese brands, adapted to consumption upgrading and increased in variety. Raise quality, create brand. Since entering the new century, the popularization of Internet technology has brought the global development of the brand. In the new era, the brand economy has objectively formed a system science centered on the brand, including ecological environmental protection, trade and trade circulation. The year 2017 is the year of brand construction proposed by the China Forestry Industry Association. In order to accurately understand the current situation of brand construction and dissemination of forest products in China, it analyzes the existing problems and provides policy suggestions. Shi Feng, deputy director of the Forestry Industry Office of the State Forestry Bureau and secretary general of the China Forestry Industry Association, wrote this article for the journal.
【作者单位】: 中国林产工业协会;
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