[Abstract]:From 2007 to 2012, although China's real estate market experienced several policy controls, overall house prices showed a tortuous upward trend. In this round of competition, a group of benchmarking housing enterprises that attach importance to brand building stand out. They take the enterprise brand as the core, formulate clear brand positioning, plan and implement accurate brand marketing. After 2012, the real estate industry continued to experience several policy controls, and the overall growth rate of the industry continued to slow significantly. The rising costs of land, construction and manpower have led to a steady decline in profit margins in the real estate industry and increased business pressure, which has led the Chinese real estate market from a period of rapid growth to a period of medium and long-term deep adjustment. Facing the current new normal, the brand strategy made in the past is no longer applicable in the face of the new historical challenge. Many small and medium-sized housing enterprises have begun to think and explore more about the scale growth, so it is imperative to transform. According to the strategic management theory and strategic brand strategy theory, this paper takes the brand management strategy of G real estate listed company in the transition period as the research object, firstly combs the G company brand development history and the existing brand management situation. By using the knowledge of strategic brand management to analyze the status quo of brand, we can find out the problems existing in the brand strategy of company G in the transition period. Then we use the five-force model in strategic management to analyze the industry environment, and use the SWOT analysis tool to analyze the opportunities and challenges of the company, as well as the existing strengths and weaknesses. Then, from the current business transformation of the company, the company's existing strategic brand management to make a comprehensive optimization, to establish a set of company's current real situation of brand strategy management system. Finally, in order to ensure the new brand strategy to carry out smoothly, in the financial, manpower, operation management, marketing and other aspects of specific safeguards. Based on the research on the brand strategy of G real estate listed company, this paper thinks that we can continue to use the original brand positioning (innovating living in human life), and need to put forward a new brand vision (to create a century old shop of innovative human settlements). It is believed that in the period of transformation, G company should pay attention to customer service and explore the vertical development of property management from the point of view of product quality. We should strictly follow the principle of brand extension strategy, continue to excavate the brand connotation of G company, and apply the brand orientation of innovative human life to new business, such as finance, new energy and so on. Of course, according to the special circumstances in the transition period, we also need to change our thinking and implement the brand communication strategy. All in all, this paper tries to provide a series of feasible optimization measures and suggestions for G Company in the transition period of brand strategy formulation and implementation through the overall study above.
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