[Abstract]:Production operation management is the main link of creating value. To improve the efficiency of production and operation is the basic premise for enterprises to promote scientific management as a whole, especially under the background of global economy, which is the only way for enterprises to enhance their market competitiveness. The strategic management of production operation is the key to the long-term development of enterprise strategy. The Management Game project provides a global competitive environment that simulates real-life operations. Punk international watch company is one of many virtual companies in Management Game environment. Its operation involves strategic management, financial management, production operation management, marketing management and so on. Punk produces two products, one for the Gnari brand and the other for the high jazz brand. The writer is the director of production and operations of the Gnari brand. Responsible for the production and operation strategy management of Punk Gnari brand from 2009 to 2011. This paper is based on the actual production and operation strategy management of punk company Gnari brand in Management Game environment. The production and operation strategy of punk international watch company is formulated and implemented according to the overall development strategy of the enterprise and the macro and micro environment of the enterprise. The production and operation strategy of the brand mainly includes logistics and supply chain strategy, product development strategy and production capacity strategy. The logistics and supply chain strategy of Gunnery brand of Ponc Company focuses on strengthening inventory management, controlling inventory cost, strengthening transportation capacity, reasonably regulating the quantity of containers, reducing the cost of distribution center and determining the priority distribution order of market. The R & D strategy of the brand is to develop the R & D strategy of the brand by improving the absolute and relative quality of the watch and following the theory of R & D to enhance the competitiveness of the products. Through three aspects of regulation and control, the strategy of production capacity increases the production capacity of Ponc Company, and provides the company with barriers that actually hinder the entry of other enterprises, and promotes the core competitiveness of Ponc Company.
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