[Abstract]:Brand management has become an important part in the field of marketing and brand research, and brand personality, as a combination of marketing and psychology, has become one of the key research topics in the field of brand research. Brand personality is expressed by humanized features, which is the core and most active part of brand image. It is a whole set of humanized characteristics associated with brand, thus providing consumers with self-expression or symbolic benefits. The current research on brand personality is mainly focused on the competitive situation of brand. It discusses the formation of brand personality, the way of measurement, the determination of structure and the interaction between brand personality and consumers. However, with the wide application of the emerging brand association, there is no systematic research on the mechanism of brand personality in the joint context. This study is a systematic study and exploration on the transfer mechanism of brand personality in the context of brand association. In this study, three experiments were carried out to explore and analyze the transfer mechanism of brand personality of joint brand. (1) experiment one mainly studies the brand personality transfer model of joint brand. The results show that, in the case of low involvement, the brand personality perception of the joint brand can be transferred directly from the brand personality perception of the parent brand. The matching degree of brand personality between mother brands has a certain positive effect; In the case of high degree of involvement, the participants' perception of brand personality of the joint brand needs further processing to the fitting degree of intermediary variables. The perception of the brand personality of the parent brand is indirectly transferred to the joint brand through the intermediary action of the product fit degree between the United brand and the parent brand. (2) experiment two discusses consumer's preference to brand personality dimension of joint brand. The results showed that the subjects preferred brands with dual brand personality dimension for brands with high self-concept symbolism, while those with low self-concept symbolism had no obvious preference for brand personality dimension. (3) on the basis of experiment 1 and experiment 2, experiment 3 discusses the spillover effect of combined brand on the brand personality of parent brand. The results show that, for the strong brand, there is a positive spillover effect on the parent brand when the brand personality mismatch between the combined brand and the parent brand, but there is no significant difference between the brand personality matching and the no combination. For the weak brand, the matching and mismatch of the brand personality of the combined brand and the parent brand have positive spillover effect on the parent brand, but there is no significant difference between the matching and mismatch of the brand personality on the parent brand.
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