[Abstract]:Xizheng Company is a professional anti-counterfeiting printing processing and service enterprises. Printing industry is a traditional mature industry at home and abroad. Xizheng Company has been specializing in printing for 20 years. Its technology, processing, service, management, marketing, human resources and so on are basically the same as the traditional mode of printing industry. Over the years, with its accurate market positioning, the correct leadership of the management, the company has gone through a long period of steady development, progressive growth of benign development. However, printing enterprises are obviously in the state of supersaturation in China, the original advantage market of Xizheng Company is also facing severe impact, the gap of leading technology is gradually narrowing, and the traditional marketing means can no longer obtain obvious competitive advantage. The development of enterprises has encountered a bottleneck that continues to rise rapidly. With the increasing importance of brand, brand has become a major topic of social concern, printing industry is no exception. This paper intends to apply the theory of brand creation and management to the reasons why Xizheng Company wants to start a brand war in the traditional printing industry, how to create a famous brand in the printing industry, and how to spread and manage the Xizheng printing brand. How to use the strength of the brand to win more markets, and so on, in order to play a practical guiding significance to the future marketing of Xizheng Company. This text is divided into nine chapters. Chapter one: introduction. This paper summarizes the background of establishing strong brand, the effect of brand on printing industry and the purpose of this paper. Chapter two: why enterprises pay more and more attention to brands. Mainly analyzed why our country enterprise pays more and more attention to the brand. Chapter three: the meaning and characteristics of strong brand. This paper first expounds the meaning of brand and brand equity, then puts forward the characteristics of strong brand and analyzes the main role of creating strong brand to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Chapter 4: why the printing enterprise should create the brand. This paper analyzes the reasons why printing enterprises must establish brand, the present situation and the successful experience of the industry. Chapter five: the necessity of establishing brand in Xizheng Company. Through the introduction of Xizheng Company, the present situation of Xizheng Company's brand is analyzed to explain why Xizheng Company must establish a strong brand in the printing industry. Chapter VI: the brand positioning and brand construction of Xizheng Company. Based on the theory of brand identification and the actual situation of the enterprise, this paper puts forward the strategy of establishing the brand of Xizheng company. Chapter 7: the selection strategy of brand elements in Xizheng Company. Based on the selection theory of brand elements, this paper analyzes how to select the factors favorable to the brand establishment of Xizheng Company from the aspects of name, logo, advertising language and packaging, and puts forward its own ideas. The eighth chapter: Xizheng company brand integration marketing communication strategy. By using the general tools and strategies of brand marketing communication, this paper selects the brand marketing communication strategy of Xizheng Company from the aspects of customer, business characteristics, market environment, region, printing and purchasing mode. Chapter 9: conclusions and recommendations. This paper summarizes that Xizheng Company must use brand thinking, brand marketing consciousness and brand lasting accumulation in the practice of management and management to constantly promote the promotion of comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises, and puts forward its own suggestions.
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