[Abstract]:Jilin Province has made an important contribution to the development of the Republic because of its obvious ecological and environmental advantages, relatively rich resources and advanced heavy industry production technology. However, in recent years, due to the large consumption of crude oil and electricity and other factors of production, Jilin Province once appeared the phenomenon of energy resources restricting economic development. At the same time, the pollution of water, soil and air in the whole province is serious, the resources are exhausted day by day, and the sustainable development of economy has encountered great difficulties. Practice has proved that the traditional "three high, one low" extensive economic development model has become unsustainable, for Jilin Province, to create the "ecological Jilin" brand, The path construction should be started from the following aspects: first, we should re-examine it with strategic thinking.
【作者单位】: 吉林省白山市统计局;
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