[Abstract]:The 11th five-year Plan of our country clearly proposes to develop vocational and technical education and strengthen the quality of higher education. This has injected new vitality into the development of higher vocational and technical education from the height of national development strategy. At the same time, since the establishment of Jinling Vocational University, the first higher vocational and technical college in China in 1980, China's higher vocational education has passed through 27 years, and the number of higher vocational and technical colleges has exceeded 900. The competition between higher vocational colleges is becoming more and more fierce; On the other hand, after China's entry into WTO, foreign educational groups have participated in the domestic education market in various forms, which has brought great pressure to many vocational and technical colleges and universities in China-opportunities and challenges coexist in our higher vocational and technical colleges. Combining with the essence and function of higher vocational colleges, using the brand theory of marketing for reference and studying the brand strategy of higher vocational colleges from the angle of campus culture, it has certain theoretical and practical significance. On the basis of summing up the existing research achievements of domestic and foreign scholars on brand, university culture and university brand, the paper points out that campus culture has a one-to-one corresponding relationship with brand recognition in structure. Therefore, it establishes a theoretical causality for the construction of higher vocational brand based on campus culture construction. This paper focuses on the significance of higher vocational brand and the function of campus culture, and puts forward some strategies on how to construct campus culture in combination with the spirit of the times. The main innovations of this study are as follows: first, it points out the campus culture, including material culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture, which is identified by vision. There is a one-to-one corresponding relationship in the structure of brand recognition between behavior recognition and concept recognition, which lays a theoretical foundation for the construction of higher vocational brand from the construction of campus culture. Secondly, combining with the spirit of the times, the discussion on campus harmonious culture has been added, which has injected new vitality factors into the study of campus culture construction. Thirdly, according to the existing research results of brand science, on the basis of fully discussing the essential attribute of higher vocational education and the opportunities and challenges it faces, this paper deeply studies the function, significance and construction strategy of campus culture.
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