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发布时间:2019-03-06 08:21
【摘要】: 发电设备制造行业是国家优先发展的战略性行业,作为一项关系到国家政治、经济安全和国民生计的支柱性产业,代表一个国家的经济实力,对国民经济的发展起保障作用。全球经济一体化的加剧势必对我国经济产生深远的影响,发电设备制造业也不例外。企业的技术水平、产品质量固然重要,但这只是参与市场竞争的基础,世界已经进入品牌竞争时代,市场开始向品牌靠拢,取胜的关键是品牌。我国企业在激烈的竞争中不缺乏产量优势,而是缺乏品牌竞争力优势。因此,深入研究中国发电设备制造业关于品牌竞争力的研究的重要性和应用价值就不言而喻了。 文章在梳理并分析品牌竞争力概念和经济学含义的前提下,分析影响品牌竞争力的各个要素以及各要素之间的相互作用关系。以企业为视角,总结归纳并形成品牌竞争力综合影响因素模型。然后在了解国内外发电设备行业的发展基本概况基础上,通过研究各个影响因素发现我国发电设备制造企业品牌竞争力现状和面临的问题,并探索出现这些问题的原因。最后提出提升发电设备产品品牌竞争力的建议和策略。本论文依据,理论联系实际,注重可操作性,对发电设备制造企业营销管理具有一定的指导意义,同时对相关企业亦有重要的参考价值。
[Abstract]:As a pillar industry related to national politics, economic security and national livelihood, power generation equipment manufacturing industry represents a country's economic strength and plays an important role in ensuring the development of the national economy. The intensification of global economic integration is bound to have a far-reaching impact on China's economy, and the power generation equipment manufacturing industry is no exception. The technical level of enterprises and the quality of products are important, but this is only the basis of participating in the market competition. The world has entered the era of brand competition, the market begins to close to the brand, and the key to win is the brand. China's enterprises in the fierce competition is not lack of output advantage, but lack of brand competitiveness advantage. Therefore, it is self-evident to deeply study the importance and application value of the research on brand competitiveness of power generation equipment manufacturing industry in China. On the premise of combing and analyzing the concept of brand competitiveness and the meaning of economics, this paper analyzes the factors that affect brand competitiveness and the interaction between them. From the perspective of enterprises, this paper summarizes and forms a comprehensive influencing factor model of brand competitiveness. Then on the basis of understanding the basic situation of the development of power generation equipment industry at home and abroad, this paper finds out the current situation and problems of brand competitiveness of power generation equipment manufacturing enterprises in China through the study of various influencing factors, and explores the reasons for these problems. Finally, the suggestions and strategies to improve the brand competitiveness of power generation equipment products are put forward. This paper is based on combining theory with practice and paying attention to maneuverability, which has certain guiding significance to the marketing management of power generation equipment manufacturing enterprises, and also has important reference value to related enterprises.


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5 蒋t熎,




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