[Abstract]:Fama (1965) put forward the famous efficient market hypothesis theory. Because of its intuitive theoretical and practical significance, many scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of empirical research. This provides theoretical and empirical support for more in-depth understanding of the stock market and better choice of investment strategies. Modern financial theory holds that the stock market is effective, so the stock price is unpredictable. It is impossible for investors to make use of some relevant information and investment strategies to continuously obtain excess profits (only average profits) in the stock market. And with all kinds of "anomalies" in the stock market (according to the efficient Market hypothesis, if the stock market is efficient, there will be no excess returns, if there is an excess return phenomenon, the market is not efficient, and this phenomenon is abnormal. The market efficiency is questioned, and the defects of "rational man hypothesis" and "efficient market hypothesis" in classical financial theory are exposed day by day. The best explanation for these anomalies is the behavioral finance theory, which focuses on individual behavior and psychological research. In this paper, we make a detailed analysis of the return rate of China's relevant sample stocks and the Shanghai Composite Index. A quantitative analysis method is used to prove that the phenomenon of "brand effect" exists in China's securities market (that is, the phenomenon that investing in stocks with "well-known trademarks" in China will obtain excess returns). From the point of view of behavioral finance, this paper explains the reasons for the formation of "brand effect" in China's stock market according to the specific characteristics of China's stock market. The conclusion of this paper is that the stock market of our country is not effective at present, at least in some stock fields, which is caused by the investment behavior of investors. According to the hypothesis of efficient market, if the stock market is efficient, there will be no excess return, and if there is excess return, the market is not efficient, and this phenomenon is abnormal. In view of the inefficiency of stock market, the corresponding investment strategy can be put forward. However, there is still no uniform and reliable method for the use of investment strategy. According to the empirical results, this paper puts forward the corresponding investment strategy for investors' reference.
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