[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the implantation of domestic brands into American popular TV dramas, this paper holds that the implantation of domestic brands into American popular TV dramas is beneficial to the expansion of overseas popularity of domestic brands and the maintenance of the leading position of domestic brands. It is helpful to lead the domestic advertisers to mature the embedded marketing concept, to draw lessons from the operation mechanism of foreign countries, and to accumulate the experience of international communication. But at the same time, it is accompanied by the risk of small investment effect, short effect and shutdown risk, lag and outdated risk. In view of this series of risks, this paper puts forward some countermeasures in order to promote the implantation of domestic brands into American hot TV dramas in the process of more rational, professional completion of communication tasks, integration of other online and offline marketing activities, and better and faster promotion of brand image.
【作者单位】: 东北师范大学传媒科学学院;
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