发布时间:2021-12-02 00:18
【文章来源】:中国矿业大学江苏省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:104 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research Contents and Ideas
1.3 Research Significance
1.4 Research Methods
1.5 Research Technical Road-map
2 Literature Review
2.1 Review of customer loyalty
Customer loyalty Significance
2.2 Review of Social Media Engagement and customer loyalty
2.2.1 Significant of social media engagement and customer loyalty
2.2.2 Chinese Social media
2.3 Review of Agritourism and green hotels
2.3.1 Agritourism
2.3.2 Green Hotels
2.4 Review of Positive E-WOM
Significant of E-WOM
3 Theoretical Model and Research Hypothesis
3.1 Definition of Variables and Research Dimensions
3.1.1 Social media engagement
3.1.2 Customer loyalty
3.1.3 Positive E-WOM
3.2 Established Theoretical Model
3.3 Research Hypothesis
3.3.1 Social media engagement and customer loyalty
3.3.2 Social media engagement and positive E-WOM
3.3.3 Positive E-WOM and customer loyalty
3.3.4 The mediating role of Positive E-WOM
3.4 Summary of Research Hypotheses
3.5 Summary
4 Measurement Scale Development
4.1 Social Media Engagement Measurement
4.2 Customer Loyalty Measurement
4.3 Positive E-WOM Measurement
4.4 Research Subject Selection
4.5 Summary
5 Empirical Analysis
5.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis
5.1.1 Basic Information Analysis
5.1.2 Descriptive analysis of study variables
5.1.3 Descriptive analysis of Study Variables items
5.2 Measurement Model
5.2.1 Convergent Validity
5.2.2 Average Variance Extracted(AVE)
5.2.3 Discriminate Validity Fornell-Larcker Criterion
5.3 Structural Model Analysis
5.3.1 Path Coefficient– Hypotheses Test
5.3.2 Coefficient of determination R2
5.3.3 Effect size f2
5.3.4 Predictive Relevance Q2
5.3.5 Goodness of fit GoF
5.4 Mediation Explanatory variable
5.4.1 Bootstrap the Indirect effect(Total effect)
5.4.2 Bootstrapped Confidence Interval(Lower and upper level)
5.5 Summary
6 Improvement Proposals for the social media engagement and customer loyalty in the green hotel based on agritourism
6.1Show Emotional Things
6.2 Highlight the Practical Significance
6.3 Highlight the Advantage
7 Conclusion& Results
7.1 Research Conclusion&Innovations
7.1.1 Analysis conclusion
7.1.2 Innovation of the paper
7.2 Research Prospects
7.2.1 Implications
7.2.2 Limitations and further research
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Resume of Author
学位论文数据集Dissertation Data Set
【文章来源】:中国矿业大学江苏省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:104 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research Contents and Ideas
1.3 Research Significance
1.4 Research Methods
1.5 Research Technical Road-map
2 Literature Review
2.1 Review of customer loyalty
Customer loyalty Significance
2.2 Review of Social Media Engagement and customer loyalty
2.2.1 Significant of social media engagement and customer loyalty
2.2.2 Chinese Social media
2.3 Review of Agritourism and green hotels
2.3.1 Agritourism
2.3.2 Green Hotels
2.4 Review of Positive E-WOM
Significant of E-WOM
3 Theoretical Model and Research Hypothesis
3.1 Definition of Variables and Research Dimensions
3.1.1 Social media engagement
3.1.2 Customer loyalty
3.1.3 Positive E-WOM
3.2 Established Theoretical Model
3.3 Research Hypothesis
3.3.1 Social media engagement and customer loyalty
3.3.2 Social media engagement and positive E-WOM
3.3.3 Positive E-WOM and customer loyalty
3.3.4 The mediating role of Positive E-WOM
3.4 Summary of Research Hypotheses
3.5 Summary
4 Measurement Scale Development
4.1 Social Media Engagement Measurement
4.2 Customer Loyalty Measurement
4.3 Positive E-WOM Measurement
4.4 Research Subject Selection
4.5 Summary
5 Empirical Analysis
5.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis
5.1.1 Basic Information Analysis
5.1.2 Descriptive analysis of study variables
5.1.3 Descriptive analysis of Study Variables items
5.2 Measurement Model
5.2.1 Convergent Validity
5.2.2 Average Variance Extracted(AVE)
5.2.3 Discriminate Validity Fornell-Larcker Criterion
5.3 Structural Model Analysis
5.3.1 Path Coefficient– Hypotheses Test
5.3.2 Coefficient of determination R2
5.3.3 Effect size f2
5.3.4 Predictive Relevance Q2
5.3.5 Goodness of fit GoF
5.4 Mediation Explanatory variable
5.4.1 Bootstrap the Indirect effect(Total effect)
5.4.2 Bootstrapped Confidence Interval(Lower and upper level)
5.5 Summary
6 Improvement Proposals for the social media engagement and customer loyalty in the green hotel based on agritourism
6.1Show Emotional Things
6.2 Highlight the Practical Significance
6.3 Highlight the Advantage
7 Conclusion& Results
7.1 Research Conclusion&Innovations
7.1.1 Analysis conclusion
7.1.2 Innovation of the paper
7.2 Research Prospects
7.2.1 Implications
7.2.2 Limitations and further research
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Resume of Author
学位论文数据集Dissertation Data Set