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  本文关键词:CL无人机项目团队建设研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 科研创新团队 项目团队建设 人力资源管理

【摘要】:L研究所是我国歼击机和各型飞行器重要的设计研发基地,创新和快速研发的能力是研究所的立所之本,研究所的年轻设计师们,很多都是有想法和创意的人,大家都希望自己的创意之花能快速形成成果,领导们也希望能在现有的体制外有一个相对独立的鼓励创新,激励年轻人快速研发、实现自己创意的平台。2007年L所设立创新基金,鼓励年轻人积极参与创新,参与预先研究,鼓励大家自己组建团队,统筹管理项目进度,自由支配项目经费。CL无人机项目就是创新基金中的一个项目,得到了所领导的大力支持。在项目运作时,技术可行性和设计方法往往是大家关注的重点,而团队协作和团队文化作为项目实施过程的关键因素,常常被领导和项目负责人所忽视。所谓“三分技术,七分管理”,则说明了在科研项目中技术先进并不是直接决定项目成败的唯一因素,建立起一套科学、规范、高效的团队管理机制,加强团队协作,使团队发挥最大的效能,是提高项目成功率的重要途径,直接影响了项目的进展甚至项目的成败。 美国的臭鼬工厂(Skunk Works,,又称为臭鼬工作队),是洛克希德·马丁公司内一个相对独立的创新研发设计小组,该组织具有快速设计、研发和实验的能力,“臭鼬工厂”项目团队管理模式也成为众多航空研发机构学习和效仿的榜样。本文从项目团队管理的角度出发,首先导入了项目团队管理的基本理论,对臭鼬工厂创新研发团队的管理模式进行了分析和总结,并结合L所CL无人机项目团队管理案例,分析了此类跨专业组建的临时研发项目组的团队建设存在的问题,并分析在团队建设方面存在问题的原因,并针对相应问题提出自己的看法和对策,得出建设小型高效创新团队的有效解决方案。本文针对CL无人机项目组的团队特点进行有效的分析,并对该项目的研发背景、单位项目管理现状进行研究,总结归纳出该类项目组团队建设的实践方法。
[Abstract]:L Research Institute is an important design and development base for fighter planes and various types of aircraft in China. The ability of innovation and rapid R & D is the foundation of the institute. Many of the young designers of the institute are people with ideas and ideas. Everyone wants their creative flowers to produce results quickly, and leaders want to have a relatively independent incentive for innovation outside the existing system to motivate young people to develop quickly. In 2007 L set up an innovation fund to encourage young people to actively participate in innovation, to participate in advance research, to encourage everyone to set up their own teams to manage the progress of the project. Discretionary project funding. CL UAV project is a project in the innovation fund, has been strongly supported by the leadership. In the project operation, the technical feasibility and design methods are often the focus of attention. Team cooperation and team culture, as the key factors in the project implementation process, are often ignored by the leaders and project leaders. The so-called "three points of technology, seven points of management". It shows that advanced technology is not the only factor that directly determines the success or failure of the project in scientific research projects, and set up a set of scientific, standardized, efficient team management mechanism, strengthen team cooperation, and make the team play the most effective. It is an important way to improve the success rate of the project, which directly affects the progress of the project and even the success or failure of the project. Skunk works, also known as the Skunk work team, is a relatively independent group of innovative R & D designs at Lockheed Martin, which has rapid design. The ability of R & D and experiment, the management model of Skunk Factory project team has also become an example for many aviation R & D institutions to follow. This paper starts from the point of view of project team management. Firstly, the paper introduces the basic theory of project team management, analyzes and summarizes the management model of the innovation R & D team in Skunk Factory, and combines the case of CL UAV project team management in L Institute. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the team building of this kind of temporary research and development project team, and analyzes the causes of the problems in the team building, and puts forward its own views and countermeasures in view of the corresponding problems. This paper analyzes the characteristics of CL UAV team effectively, and studies the research background of the project and the status quo of unit project management. Summarize and summarize the practical method of team building of this kind of project group.


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