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发布时间:2018-01-25 10:22

  本文关键词: 钢铁贸易 转型升级 套期保值 套利交易 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着中国经济的高速发展,特别是过去2000-2010年10年的腾飞,钢铁行业伴随着基础设施建设,房地产以及世界工厂带动的工业发展,也经历了“猪”都会飞的辉煌年代。但是随着钢铁产能的快速增加,特别是过去10年从1亿多吨增长到现在7亿多吨,钢铁行业也从暴利时代逐步进入到微利时代,钢铁贸易行业作为钢铁生产企业的服务性行业,传统的赌行情囤货就能赚大钱的时代已经过去,钢铁贸易的盈利模式需要变化,不然只能被淘汰。而且09年开始在上海期货交易所正式上市的螺纹钢期货业给行业带来深刻的变化,行情涨跌越来越激励也越来越不可预测,金融市场对于钢铁这样的大宗商品影响也越来越大,供需问题基本面研究不再是唯一的问题。随着盈利能力的下降,之前隐藏在钢贸商背后的通过钢铁贸易来融资然后投向其他行业盈利或者放高利贷的问题也全部爆发出来,12年下半年更是连重复质押钢铁给不同银行并且联合仓库出假仓单融资也发生,导致银行业对钢贸商紧急收贷并封杀整个行业。这样的现实环境逼迫钢铁贸易公司不可不升级转型,寻找新的战略发展方向和盈利模式,远大物产集团钢铁事业部作为行业活跃的一分子同样需要面对这个问题,寻求转型升级的战略选择。本文就以此为研究对象展开论述。 本文共分七章。第一章概述了本文的选题背景、理论和现实意义、研究方法等。第二章先说明了期货、套期保值、套利等基本概念,并介绍了战略管理、转型升级战略的主要理论,以建立本文的理论框架体系。第三章不仅分析了远大物产钢铁事业部发展面临的政治、经济、社会文化、技术、环保和法律等外部宏观环境,而且借助五力模型、产品生命周期理论、价值链模型和战略群组分析工具,分析了远大物产钢铁事业部的产业环境。第四章通过对远大物产钢铁事业部企业内部资金实力、人力资源等有形资产和品牌声誉、行业系统管理经验、激励机制、企业文化等无形资源能力的分析,并借助VRIO分析,确定了企业的核心竞争力。第五章通过对于我司的SWOT分析,以及转型升级必要性和困境阐述,提出了远大物产钢铁事业部可选择的方向和最终战略确定。第六章在前五章分析的基础上提出了远大物产钢铁事业部实施贸易金融战略的实施措施。第七章提出了本文进一步研究的两个方向。 钢铁贸易转型升级的方向很多,关键还是根据每个公司实际情况做出选择。基差和套利交易在其他大宗商品行业运用也很多,但是对于钢铁黑色行业由于期货出现时间短,大家对其重视不够,也没有正式提出在钢铁行业进行基差和套利交易,这正是本文最大的现实意义。但是由于我司实施时间不长,细节阐述还不够详细,有待以后通过更多的实践来总结和提炼。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, especially in the past 10 years from 2000 to 2010, the steel industry has been accompanied by infrastructure construction, real estate and industrial development driven by the world's factories. But with the rapid growth of steel production capacity, especially in the past 10 years from more than 100 million tons to now more than 700 million tons. The iron and steel industry has also gradually entered the era of small profit from the era of profiteering. As the service industry of steel production enterprises, the traditional gambling market hoarding can make a lot of money has passed. The profit pattern of iron and steel trade needs to be changed, otherwise it can only be eliminated. Moreover, the rebar futures industry, which was officially listed on Shanghai Futures Exchange in 2009, has brought profound changes to the industry. Prices are increasingly encouraging and unpredictable, financial markets are having a bigger impact on commodities such as steel, and fundamental studies of supply and demand are no longer the only problem. As profitability declines. Previously hidden behind the steel traders through the steel trade to finance and then invest in other industries to profit or usury problems also burst out. In the second half of 12 years, even repeated pledge of steel to different banks and joint warehouse out of false warehouse receipts financing also occurred. As a result of the banking industry to the steel traders to receive loans and block the entire industry. Such a realistic environment forced steel trading companies to upgrade and transform to find new strategic development direction and profit model. As an active member of the industry, Broad Product Group Iron and Steel Division also needs to face this problem and seek the strategic choice of transformation and upgrading. This paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter summarizes the background, theoretical and practical significance, research methods and so on. The second chapter first explains the basic concepts of futures, hedging, arbitrage and other basic concepts, and introduces the strategic management. The third chapter not only analyzes the political, economic, social and cultural, and technology facing the development of Broad Product Iron and Steel Division. Environmental protection and law and other external macro environment, and with the help of the five forces model, product life cycle theory, value chain model and strategic group analysis tools. This paper analyzes the industrial environment of Broad Product Iron and Steel Division. Chapter 4th analyzes the industry system management experience through the analysis of the internal capital strength human resources and other tangible assets and brand reputation of Broad Product Iron and Steel Division. Incentive mechanism, corporate culture and other intangible resources capacity analysis, and with the help of VRIO analysis, determine the core competitiveness of enterprises. 5th chapter through the SWOT analysis of our division. As well as the necessity and dilemma of transformation and upgrading. This paper puts forward the choice direction and final strategy of Broad Product Iron and Steel Division. Chapter 6th puts forward the implementing measures of implementing Trade Finance Strategy of Broad Product Iron and Steel Enterprise on the basis of the analysis of the first five chapters. Chapter 7th puts forward the proposal of implementing the Trade and Financial Strategy of Broad Product Iron and Steel Business Division. Two directions of further research in this paper are given. There are many directions for the transformation and upgrading of the steel trade. The key is to make choices based on the actual situation of each company. Base and arbitrage trades are also used in other commodity industries. But for the black iron and steel industry because of the short time futures appear, people pay less attention to it, and have not formally put forward to carry out base and arbitrage trading in the steel industry. This is the most practical significance of this paper. However, due to our implementation time is not long, detailed elaboration is not enough, to be summed up and refined through more practice in the future.


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