本文关键词: 免烧砖 新型墙体材料 投资 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来,为保护耕地、节约资源和保护环境,我国加大了禁止生产使用实心粘土砖的工作力度。同时不断积极推广新型墙体材料,以促进资源综合利用。大批企业响应号召,抓住有利时机,纷纷投资新型墙体材料行业。一些企业科学决策,强化管理,不断做大做强,成为行业的代表。但也有些企业盲目决策,管理落后,因为内部和外部原因而倒闭。 本文采用案例研究的方法,以蓝盛公司(化名)作为研究对象。该公司按照政府要求停止生产实心粘土砖后,准备抢占先机,转型生产新型墙体材料。经过市场调研,该企业决定生产免烧砖。在寻找合伙人、购买生产设备等前期工作准备就绪的情况下,免烧砖厂立即投入生产运营。该企业顺利从诞生进入到成长阶段,本来按照投资人的预期,企业会快速发展到辉煌时期。但是天有不测风云,经历过短暂的成长阶段后,正在企业向成熟期冲刺的时候,却遇到难以解决的困难和问题,发展形势峰转直下。该企业立即进入到衰退时期,并最终走向死亡。 蓝盛公司转型生产免烧砖,踌躇满志地投资建厂,却令人意外的走向失败。通过对该企业投资建厂过程的内部和外部环境进行认真分析,总结归纳投资失败的原因。其中,主要的外部原因是替代产品实心粘土砖继续生产运行、“免烧砖”企业良莠不齐破坏行业形象、人们思想观念一时无法接受和认可“免烧砖”。主要内部原因是投资管理落后、投机心态、盲目自信、风险意识不足、没有认真进行调查研究和缺乏核心技术。最后,本文针对该企业投资失败的案例,认真总结了蓝盛公司投资失败的经验教训,对中小企业投资新型墙体材料行业提出了意见建议,并希望人们在投资时要加强市场调研,做好科学决策;增强风险意识,加强风险管控;提升自身素质,提高企业核心竞争力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, in order to protect cultivated land, save resources and protect the environment, China has increased its efforts to prohibit the production and use of solid clay bricks. At the same time, it has been actively promoting new wall materials in order to promote the comprehensive utilization of resources. A large number of enterprises responded to the call. Seize the favorable opportunity to invest in the new wall material industry in succession. Some enterprises make scientific decisions, strengthen management, continue to grow bigger and stronger, and become representatives of the industry. However, some enterprises make blind decisions and fall behind in management. Shut down for internal and external reasons. This paper adopts the method of case study, taking Lansheng Company (pseudonym) as the object of study. After the company has stopped producing solid clay brick according to the request of the government, it is ready to seize the first opportunity to transform the production of new wall materials. The enterprise decided to produce fired free bricks. When the preliminary work of seeking partners and purchasing production equipment was ready, the brick-free factory was immediately put into operation. The enterprise smoothly entered the stage of growth from birth to growth. Originally, according to the investor's expectation, the enterprise will develop rapidly to a glorious period. But after a short period of growth, after a short period of growth, enterprises are facing difficulties and problems that are difficult to solve when they are sprinting toward maturity. The business immediately entered the recession and eventually died. Lisheng Company has transformed its production of no-burning bricks and invested in building factories with great ambition, but it has unexpectedly failed. Through careful analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise's investment and construction process, the reasons for the failure of investment are summed up. The main external reason is that the solid clay brick of the substitute product continues to produce and run, the good and bad of the enterprise are different, the image of the industry is destroyed, and people can not accept and approve the "burnt free brick" for a while. The main internal reason is that the investment management is backward, Speculative mentality, blind self-confidence, lack of risk awareness, lack of serious investigation and research and lack of core technology. This paper puts forward some suggestions for small and medium-sized enterprises to invest in new wall materials industry, and hopes that people should strengthen market research, make scientific decisions, strengthen risk awareness, strengthen risk management and control, and improve their own quality. Improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.
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