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发布时间:2018-04-12 14:33

  本文选题:东亚生产网络 + 制造业 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:东亚生产网络作为一种以产品内分工为基础的制造业垂直专业化分工体系,于20世纪90年代在东亚经济圈内兴起,中国制造业以廉价的劳动力成本优势和一系列优惠政策融入东亚生产网络,并且迅速成为东亚生产网络中最主要的加工组装中心,这种精细化的分工模式使中国制造业充分发挥了其比较优势,对中国制造业产生了深刻的影响。 本文通过计算1997年到2011年中国16个制造业部门垂直专业化分工比率,研究中国制造业融入东亚生产网络的程度,同时在Michael Porter的 钻石理论‖的基础上,从制造业的不同维度分析了东亚生产网络对中国制造业竞争力的影响,并且考虑到技术、资本、劳动力等生产要素在其中发挥的作用,运用面板数据对其进行了定量分析。结果表明,东亚生产网络提高了中国制造业的竞争力,这种影响程度取决于不同制造业部门的要素密集度,东亚生产网络对技术/资本密集型部门和劳动密集型部门产业竞争力的影响程度不同,同时不同的生产要素(技术、资金、劳动力)在影响机理中发挥的作用也不一样。本文认为中国制造业亟须实现产业升级,通过技术和规模经济这两个途径,充分发挥东亚生产网络对中国制造业竞争力的提升作用,否则随着中国融入东亚生产网络的程度不断加深,中国制造业会陷入比较优势陷阱,,从而抑制其竞争力的提升。
[Abstract]:As a vertical specialization system of manufacturing industry based on intra-product division of labor, East Asian production network rose in the 1990s in the East Asian economic circle.With the advantage of cheap labor costs and a series of preferential policies, the Chinese manufacturing industry has been integrated into the East Asian production network, and has rapidly become the most important processing and assembly center in the East Asian production network.This fine division of labor makes the Chinese manufacturing industry give full play to its comparative advantage and has a profound impact on the Chinese manufacturing industry.By calculating the vertical specialization ratio of 16 manufacturing sectors in China from 1997 to 2011, this paper studies the degree of Chinese manufacturing industry's integration into the East Asian production network. At the same time, based on Michael Porter's diamond theory,This paper analyzes the influence of East Asian production network on the competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing industry from different dimensions of manufacturing industry, and makes a quantitative analysis of the factors of production such as technology, capital, labor force and so on, using panel data.The results show that the East Asian production network enhances the competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry, and the extent of this impact depends on the factor intensity of different manufacturing sectors.The influence of East Asian production network on the competitiveness of technology / capital-intensive sector and labor-intensive sector is different. At the same time, different factors of production (technology, capital, labor force) play different roles in the influence mechanism.This paper holds that China's manufacturing industry needs to realize industrial upgrading urgently. By means of technology and economies of scale, the East Asian production network can enhance the competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry.Otherwise, as China's integration into the East Asian production network deepens, China's manufacturing industry will fall into the trap of comparative advantage, thereby curbing its competitiveness.


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