本文选题:原油 + 原油成本 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Crude oil is a major issue related to the national economy and people's livelihood. With the development of the global economy, the competition between refining and chemical enterprises intensifies. How to reduce the cost of crude oil and improve the efficiency of refineries has attracted more and more attention of major refineries. As a first-class refinery in China and advanced in the world, the control of crude oil cost is worth studying. This paper mainly applies the theory of cost control to analyze the composition and characteristics of crude oil cost of a refinery in southern China, and puts forward the problems existing in the cost control of crude oil in a refinery in southern China. By drawing lessons from the experience of crude oil cost control of A and B refineries in China, and analyzing the habit of crude oil cost control in a refinery in southern China, the key points of crude oil cost control in a refinery in southern China are obtained. Based on the theory of afterwards cost control and the actual cost control of a refinery in southern China, this paper puts forward the preparation work to be done before the formulation of the crude oil cost control system, and according to the above analysis, it formulates the fixed cost in the crude oil cost of a refinery in southern China. Raw material cost, production operation cost control measures. Finally, the measures to ensure the crude oil cost control at a refinery in the south are formulated. The main safeguard measures are to optimize the selection of crude oil varieties, reduce the cost of raw materials, reduce the purchasing costs, optimize the crude oil processing structure and transportation channels, and reduce the excessive loss of crude oil. The cost of raw materials is reduced by gasoline in processing catalysis, and the cost of operation is reduced by means of energy saving and consumption reduction measures.
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