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发布时间:2018-05-13 14:14

  本文选题:工业碳减排 + 结构减排 ; 参考:《中国人口.资源与环境》2014年09期

[Abstract]:Industry is the most important area of carbon emissions in most countries. It is of great practical significance to study the potential of carbon emission reduction in industry for understanding China's peak carbon emissions and participating in international climate change negotiations. In this paper, the economic accounting method is used to estimate the industrial carbon abatement potential in China from 2010 to 2050. The results show that the potential of industrial cumulative emission reduction in the period 2010-2030 is 8.38 billion tons, of which structural emission reduction is 3.12 billion tons and intensity reduction is 5.26 billion tons. Industry will continue to make a positive contribution to carbon emission reduction. The cumulative emission reduction potential for 2030-2050 is 6.59 billion tons, of which structural emission reduction is 2.477 billion tons and intensity reduction is 4.115 billion tons. If the industrial internal structure and energy structure can be further optimized in the process, the potential for industrial emission reduction will be even greater, and the corresponding industrial carbon emission peak will be reduced by about 8% on the basis of the original forecast. Industrial carbon emissions peak will also be advanced to 2025 or so. Before estimating the potential of industrial carbon emission reduction in China, the paper examines the changing path of industrial carbon emissions in developed countries, and finds that industry can contribute to the national emission reduction through structural emission reduction and intensity emission reduction "two wheels". This is true even if industrial carbon emissions in developed countries have passed their peaks. The conclusions and suggestions of this paper are as follows: according to the industrial carbon emission peak, China should not commit to achieve the total carbon emission peak by 2030, and insist that the absolute emission reduction should be achieved after 2035. There is great potential for sustainable carbon emission reduction in China's industrial sector. This has increased the strength of our climate negotiations in the future. The "intensity reduction" proposal can be regarded as an important strategic option for our country to participate in climate negotiations. (3) We should adhere to the reform orientation of the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources and improve the design of relevant domestic systems. To give full play to the potential of industrial technology emission reduction to promote regional coordinated development, to give full play to the emission reduction effects of industrial structure adjustment, and to guard against the adverse adjustment of industrial structure brought about by industrial transfer. Vigorously promote the application and development of industrial carbon abatement technologies, including CCUS technology.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院工业经济研究所;


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