本文选题:手工艺产品 + 文化 ; 参考:《吉首大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:我国历史悠久,文化积淀深厚,隐身于民间乡野的多姿多彩的传统手工艺产品,在市场化的浪潮中其在不少地方愈发彰显其生命力。它作为我们民族数千年延续不断的造物的文脉,它不仅承载着人们的审美情操、造物智慧和伦理思想,是现代文化产业的一支生力军,也是经济转型过程中一个重要的增长点。但鉴于市场机制的不完善以及产品的同质性,要想在同行业竞争中占有高份额的市场率、取得较好的经济效益和实现可持续发展,即构建自己的品牌使自己的产品与其他地区明显的区分开来为其必选之路。品牌促使顾客对其产品产生信赖感,文化有利于增加顾客对产品的认同感,因而两者得有效结合可以促使手工艺产品在激烈的市场竞争中占有一席之地。 民族地区拥有众多独一无二的特色资源、厚重鲜明的民族文化,这是众多手工艺产品发端于此的重要因素。就手工艺产品的竞争而言,深入挖掘产品本身所蕴含的特色文化底蕴,在此基础上打造出具有特色的产品品牌,以此来凸显该手工艺产品的竞争优势。因此,本文以民族地区为研究对象,基于文化与品牌开发融合的视角下对该地手工艺产品品牌开发进行探讨。 本文主要阐述了民族地区手工艺产品品牌构建模型,得到了以产品形象、价格影响、企业形象、促销影响为四个维度的手工艺产品品牌构建消费者影响因素假设模型。而后选取了湘西土家织锦为实证,,得出在手工艺产品品牌构建消费者影响因素中产品形象这一维度影响程度最高,其当中产品的文化底蕴为重要因子。最后提出了特色化、市场化、创意化三大战略,并从产品形象、企业形象、价格、促销、渠道五个方面提出了民族地区手工艺产品品牌开发的策略,期望为当地政府改善及制定手工艺发展得政策和产业内部相关企业调整发展的战略提供了一定的理论基础及决策依据。
[Abstract]:Our country has a long history, deep cultural accumulation, hidden in the folk countryside of colorful traditional handicraft products, in the wave of marketization in a lot of places increasingly show its vitality. As the context of our nation's continuous creation for thousands of years, it not only carries people's aesthetic sentiment, creation wisdom and ethical thought, but also is a new force of modern cultural industry and an important growth point in the process of economic transformation. However, in view of the imperfect market mechanism and the homogeneity of the products, in order to have a high market share in the competition of the same industry, to achieve better economic benefits and achieve sustainable development, Build your own brand to make a clear distinction between your products and the rest of the world. The brand promotes the customer to produce the trust sense to its product, the culture is advantageous to increase the customer to the product identity, therefore the effective combination of the two can promote the handicraft product to occupy the place in the fierce market competition. Ethnic regions have many unique resources, thick and distinct national culture, which is an important factor in the origin of many handicraft products. As far as the competition of handicraft products is concerned, it is necessary to dig deeply into the unique cultural information contained in the products themselves, and on this basis, to create a distinctive product brand, so as to highlight the competitive advantage of the handicraft products. Therefore, based on the fusion of culture and brand development, this paper discusses the brand development of handicraft products in minority areas. This paper mainly expounds the brand building model of handicraft products in minority areas, and obtains a hypothesis model of consumer influence factors based on the four dimensions of product image, price influence, enterprise image and promotion influence. Then we select Xiangxi Tujia brocade as an example, and draw the conclusion that the influence degree of product image is the highest among the factors that influence the brand of handicraft products, in which the cultural background of the products is an important factor. Finally, the paper puts forward three strategies of specialty, marketization and originality, and puts forward the strategy of brand development of handicraft products in minority areas from five aspects: product image, enterprise image, price, promotion and channel. It is expected to provide some theoretical basis and decision basis for the local government to improve and formulate the policy of handicraft development and the adjustment and development strategy of related enterprises in the industry.
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