[Abstract]:In today's society, the important role of talents in the social development is becoming more and more obvious. The competition of the market economy is increasingly fierce. In the severe survival and survival of the fittest, the survival and development of the enterprises are closely linked with the talents. The development and expansion of the enterprises must pay attention to the cultivation and use of talents. Now, the commodity economy is more and more developed, the competition between enterprises is no longer limited to product competition, and the competition for talents is more urgent. This study aims at the phenomenon of brain drain in the current small and medium private enterprises, and takes the Jiangsu Tenglong electronics company as an example. The main reasons for the brain drain of Jiangsu Tenglong electronics company are: first, the problem of salary and welfare. In the current price rise and inflation, the living cost of people is increasing gradually, and the private enterprises can not flexibly satisfy the talent in pay level welfare treatment. In order to obtain better remuneration level benefits, in order to obtain better remuneration level benefits, talents have to leave to seek better job opportunities; second, job setting and promotion system problems. Professional and technical personnel are not satisfied with the organization and promotion system of the company, the staff training machine will be less, the promotion and development space is too small; third, work environment. And interpersonal problems. The working environment within the enterprise is not satisfactory, and between the upper and lower levels, the communication between the colleagues is not smooth and the interpersonal relationship is tense. Part of the talent leave is due to the incoordination of interpersonal relations and the disharmony of the team cooperation. In terms of salary and welfare, pay and performance evaluation are linked, fair and transparent pay is paid, a reasonable welfare system is built, all kinds of rights and interests of talents are guaranteed, employees' treatment is optimized and employees' satisfaction is improved. In terms of talent quality, it is necessary to control the flow of talents well and improve the quality of employees in an all-round way and strive to cultivate high quality. The quality of the talent team, improve the business ability of the company personnel; in the optimization of the working environment, provide a good working environment for the work and life of the talent, establish a good communication channel; in the use of talent, improve the enterprise's personnel system, the use of flexible use of people strategy, according to the specific circumstances of the use of talent is not used. The same methods and countermeasures should be different from person to person. In the career development of employees, the company should provide a perfect promotion platform for employees, provide a better human environment for talents, realize the joint development of enterprises and human journals in the development of enterprises and talents, and people get a better development in the career development and promotion. In order to prevent and deal with the loss of talents caused by all kinds of uncertain factors, the loss of talents will be reduced to the minimum, and the backbone of the company will be retained to ensure the overall efficiency of the company.
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