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发布时间:2018-07-15 22:44
【摘要】:我国石油开发还处在相对粗放的开发阶段,对环境造成了极大的破坏。我国应该根据自身的特殊国情,走一条以石油绿色开发为核心的能源发展道路。因此,如何评价石油开发是否为绿色的问题就显的尤为迫切。 首先,在借鉴绿色生产理论、清洁生产理论和循环经济理论的基础上延伸出石油绿色开发的概念和内容,以此作为影响因素的理论依据。本文的研究对象是狭义的石油开发概念,即把石油从地下开采出来的过程,具体包括钻井、测井、井下作业和采油四个子环节。 其次,不同的开发环节的工艺流程和复杂程度有很大差别,所使用的技术也有所不同,导致影响石油开发的非绿色因素和绿色因素也就不相同,因此在构建评价指标体系时,针对不同的开发环节,依据非绿色因素与绿色因素,构建出石油绿色开发评价指标体系。将定量指标与定性指标相结合,尽可能全面的对石油绿色开发的全过程在机器设备、污染物排放、资源和污染物回收利用、工艺技术、绿色管理五个方面进行评价。 然后,利用问卷调查的方法统计分析了预选出的34个指标的离散系数,根据具体的离散系数的数值对石油绿色开发评价指标进行了筛选,最终确定了5个准则层下面的15个指标。利用定性与定量相结合的层次分析法确定了石油绿色开发评价指标的权重,计算出了准则层和子指标的权重。 最后,在依据石油开发行业的整体特点、石油行业相关标准的基础上确定出石油绿色开发评价指标的评分标准,对评价结果进行了五级划分以及确立了评价模型,为后续研究奠定了基础。
[Abstract]:China's petroleum development is still in a relatively extensive stage of development, causing great damage to the environment. According to our own special national conditions, our country should take a path of energy development with oil green development as its core. Therefore, how to evaluate whether oil development is green is particularly urgent. Firstly, based on the theory of green production, cleaner production and circular economy, the concept and content of oil green development are extended, which is regarded as the theoretical basis of influencing factors. The object of this paper is the narrow concept of oil development, that is, the process of extracting oil from underground, including drilling, logging, downhole operation and oil recovery. Secondly, the technological process and complexity of different development links are very different, and the technology used is also different, which leads to the difference of non-green factors and green factors that affect oil development. Therefore, when constructing the evaluation index system, According to the non-green factors and green factors, the evaluation index system of petroleum green development is constructed. Combining quantitative index with qualitative index, the whole process of oil green development is evaluated in five aspects, such as machinery and equipment, pollutant emission, resource and pollutant recovery and utilization, process technology and green management. Then, the discrete coefficients of 34 pre-selected indexes are statistically analyzed by the method of questionnaire, and the evaluation indexes of oil green development are screened according to the specific values of the discrete coefficients. Finally, 15 indexes under 5 criteria are determined. The weight of the evaluation index of petroleum green development is determined by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) which combines qualitative and quantitative analysis, and the weight of criterion layer and sub-index is calculated. Finally, according to the overall characteristics of the petroleum development industry and the relevant standards of the petroleum industry, the evaluation criteria for the evaluation index of the oil green development are determined, and the evaluation results are divided into five levels and the evaluation model is established. It lays a foundation for further study.


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