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发布时间:2018-08-11 08:53
【摘要】:战略管理自20世纪60年代诞生以来获得快速发展,然而,快速发展的战略管理理论给企业界带来的效果却差强人意,导致这种结果的最重要原因就是各企业进行的战略规划很难落地,,据调查,在制定战略的企业中,战略真正实现落地的企业占总数的比例还不到10%,出现这种情况的原因主要集中于两个方面:一是战略规划的问题,即企业所选择的目标及行动方向本身与外部环境的需求不一致;二是战略执行的问题,即企业的管理及资源是否满足战略目标的需求及是否朝战略目标方向行动的问题。商业模式作为连接战略目标及结果的桥梁伴随着互联网时代的变革而越来越成为热门话题,但是目前关于商业模式的理解和创新路径更多是孤立的,没有很好的把握住商业模式是为实现战略目标这一根本目的,这也是目前理论界和企业界设计的商业模式无法从根本上解决战略管理基本问题的原因所在。 本文正是从“商业模式是为实现战略落地”这一根本立场出发,力求从解决战略管理的基本问题为依据设计商业模式创新的新路径,同时又确保设计的商业模式可以有效实现战略的落地。首先,本文对战略理论及商业模式理论进行了回顾,明确了战略管理中的基本问题以及战略管理与商业模式间的关系,从战略管理的基本问题为切入点寻找商业模式设计的关键点;其次,根据商业模式创新的基本问题设计商业模式创新的框架,这一框架以解决战略管理问题中的配称问题为中心,包括商业模式价值子系统的配称、商业模式效率子系统的配称及商业模式价值子系统与效率子系统的配称三个部分,各子系统是由商业模式的若干要素组成,商业模式创新的目的就是实现各要素间的相互配称;再次,通过案例研究方法对海尔市场链模式进行了分析,展示了如何从基于战略配称的商业模式创新角度分析现有商业模式,并为商业模式创新提供路径参考;最后,文章对基于战略配称的商业模式创新路径进行了分析总结。 基于战略配称的商业模式创新以实现战略的落地为出发点,着力于解决战略管理中的主要问题,这种通过目的指导过程的方式为商业模式创新的路径提供了清晰的方向,也为从根本上解决战略和自身的落地问题提供了支撑,这种商业模式的创新对企业发展的意义就很大,其商业模式的生命周期必然会很长,是商业模式创新重要的方向。
[Abstract]:Strategic management has developed rapidly since its birth in the 1960s. However, the rapid development of the theory of strategic management has brought poor results to the business community. The most important reason for this result is that the strategic planning carried out by various enterprises is very difficult to land. According to the survey, among the enterprises that make the strategy, The proportion of enterprises whose strategy is truly achieved to the ground is less than 10 percent of the total number of enterprises. The reasons for this situation are mainly focused on two aspects: first, the problem of strategic planning, That is, the target and the direction of action chosen by the enterprise itself are inconsistent with the needs of the external environment, and the second is the problem of strategic implementation, that is, whether the management and resources of the enterprise meet the needs of the strategic objective and whether the enterprise acts in the direction of the strategic objective. Business model, as a bridge linking strategic objectives and results, has become a hot topic with the change of the Internet era, but the understanding and innovation of business model are more isolated. Not grasping the business model well is the fundamental goal to realize the strategic goal, which is also the reason why the business model designed by the theorists and the enterprises cannot solve the basic problems of the strategic management fundamentally. From the standpoint of "business model is to realize strategic landing", this paper tries to design a new path of business model innovation based on solving the basic problems of strategic management. At the same time, to ensure that the design of the business model can effectively achieve the landing strategy. First of all, this paper reviews the strategic theory and business model theory, clarifies the basic problems in strategic management and the relationship between strategic management and business model. To find the key point of business model design from the basic problem of strategic management; secondly, to design the framework of business model innovation according to the basic problem of business model innovation. This framework focuses on solving the problem of strategic management, including the business model value subsystem, the business model efficiency subsystem and the business model value subsystem and efficiency subsystem. Each subsystem is composed of several elements of the business model, the purpose of the business model innovation is to realize the mutual matching of the elements. Thirdly, the paper analyzes the Haier market chain model through the case study method. It shows how to analyze the existing business model from the angle of business model innovation based on strategic name, and provide the path reference for business model innovation. Finally, this paper analyzes and summarizes the innovation path of business model based on strategic name. The innovation of business model based on strategic matching is based on realizing the landing of strategy, and focuses on solving the main problems in strategic management, which provides a clear direction for the path of business model innovation through the way of guiding the process of goal. It also provides the support for solving the problem of strategy and landing fundamentally. The innovation of this kind of business model is of great significance to the development of enterprises, and the life cycle of its business model is bound to be very long, which is the important direction of business model innovation.


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