发布时间:2018-08-20 17:19
【摘要】:自改革开放以来,中国家具制造业取得了巨大发展,家具产业已初具规模。据国家统计局数据显示,2007年中国家具工业的总产值达2416亿元,跃居世界首位,成为全球家具的生产大国和制造中心。家具产业生产能力的增强也带动了家具出口贸易的快速增长,家具产业已成为中国出口创汇的重要行业。2005年中国一跃成为世界第一大家具出口国。家具产业作为劳动密集型产业,为中国提供了大量的就业岗位,出口创收利润可观,为中国的经济增长做出了重大贡献。但是,中国的家具行业还不成熟,在出口过程中还有许多问题有待解决,包括外部和内部均存在问题。因此,在经济全球化背景下,研究我国家具的出口贸易中遇到的各种问题,继续保持快速增长势头,具有很强的现实意义。 本文第一章,绪论部分是整个论文的理论指导思想,介绍了针对中国的国际贸易摩擦的宏观背景,微观背景及国内外研究现状和发展趋势,并对相关的名词进行解释,为后面的文章展开做好铺垫。从宏观上讲,现在中国已进入国际贸易摩擦的高发期,中国是当前受到贸易摩擦影响最大的国家。一方面中国出口收入可观,在国际市场上的份额不断扩大。并且出口产品也有最初的初级产品到目前大量的制成品;另一方面,中国的对外依存度依然很高,也意味着我国受到国际贸易摩擦的影响波动也很大。国内出口企业之间出现严重的恶性竞争,更为国外实施贸易摩擦提供可乘之机。微观上,我国家具出口企业自2003年以来频繁遭遇了来自欧美国家的贸易壁垒,包括传统的反倾销,337调查,特保调查,还有新兴的绿色贸易壁垒,如雷斯法案,欧盟的木材条款。本章还详细解释了FSC认证的定义及现状,相关数据表明我国当前的FSC认证率还很低,短时间内不能摆脱欧盟的绿色贸易壁垒。 论文第二章对中国家具的出口现状进行了详细的分析,主要有家具出口的发展,生产及出口情况,包括总体规模,商品结构,出口地分布,贸易方式等等,为接下来的理论分析做好数据铺垫。中国家具的迅猛发展始于1979年十一届三中全会,国家开始贯彻实施改革开放方针。之后,国家鼓励外资机构来我国投资办厂,带来先进的生产技术。到20世纪末,中国家具业呈现空前的繁荣,也逐渐走上国际市场。中国家具产值占世界总产值的份额,由1983年的不足1%,到2003年达到两位数,再到2010年迫近30%。总体是呈稳定快速增长的态势。在产品构成上,木质家具仍然占比较多,约60%左右,金属家具占20%多,同时,近几年数据显示,金属及竹藤家具比例在扩大。在出口地分布上,欧美占据50%,但是这一比例在缩小,相反,对东盟,拉丁美洲,非洲的出口占比有所扩大。 论文的第三章指出了中国家具行业的出口面临两方面的问题。一是制约中国家具出口的外部问题,主要是反倾销,绿色壁垒,汇率波动,出口退税率下调等因素,其中重点分析FSC森林认证对中国家具业出口的影响;制约中国家具出口规模扩大的首要因素是贸易壁垒。继2005年1月,美国对中国出口卧室木质家具征收4.9%至198%不等的反倾销税后;2005年11月,加拿大家具业提出特保调查申请,要求对中国家具征收3年的高额附加税。此外,随着原材料环保标准不断提高,中国家具出口也将直接受到影响。2010年5月,欧盟委员会批准关于授予木制家具生态标签标准的决议——2009/894/EC。此标准注重于产品的环保,旨在减少木制家具在其使用过程中对环境和人体健康的影响。由于其使用申请价格不菲,从而客观上给木制家具业设置添加较高的“绿色壁垒”。2013年3月3日,欧盟将强制实施“木材及木制品规例和新环保设计指令”。该指令要求今后出口欧盟的木材生产加工销售链条上的所有厂商,都必须获得FSC(森林认证)的“身份证”,即必须提交木材来源地、国家及森林、木材体积和重量、原木供应商的名称地址等证明木材来源合法性的基本资料。然而,到目前为止,全世界获得认证的木材大约只有10%,而中国市场上能够获得认证的木材还不到1%。环保因素正成为国外技术壁垒的突出主题,对环保标准相对较低的我国家具出口将形成严峻挑战。本文重点介绍了FSC森林认证对世界林业及中国家具的影响,为中国家具行业指明方向。 此外,2010年7月1日出口退税率下调政策推出,家具出口退税由13%下调至11%或9%;8月23日加工贸易政策再次调整,17种家具被列入出口限制类商品。《加工贸易禁止类商品目录》将以国产木材为原料生产的板材、家具等列入禁止出口之列。按照这一目录中,以国产木材作原料生产的家具不允许出口,但以进口木材生产的家具则不在此列。随着世界家具市场的不断发展,中国的家具业正面临着强劲的国际竞争压力。东盟国家正在争夺中国的中低档家具市场份额;而欧美国家正在抢占中国高档家具市场份额。 二是中国家具行业在出口过程中存在的自身问题,盲目抄袭,无品牌意识,出口市场过于集中等等。家具体现的美感与材料等,具有明显的公开特征。一旦产品面世,其他厂商便可轻而易举地进行仿制和改进。国内整个家具行业,互相抄袭已经成为“风气”:小厂仿大厂、大厂仿国外、同类企业互相仿。造成这种行业现状的主要原因是:行业入行门槛低,设计研发人员短缺。 随着国际市场的不断开放,中国家具业已逐渐成为全球家具价值链的一部分。从价值链中不同环节的利润分配情况来看,中国家具出口企业在整个生产网络中主要采取OEM等加工贸易方式。种种状况表明,中国家具产业仍处于产业链的低端,家具业正面临着一场较高层次上的竞争。如何提高国际市场竞争力来实现新的产业增长,这将是一个迫在眉睫的问题。 论文第四章针对中国家具行业出口面临的内外两方面问题,提出了相应的对策: 在企业层面上,首先,推进产业升级,增加产品附加值。一方面可以遵循从OEM,向ODM,OBM方式的产业升级路径,逐步改变OEM的加工贸易方式,向自主设计和创建自有品牌的方向发展不断增加产品的附加价值。另一方面,中国家具出口企业要注重在品牌建设,营销渠道拓展,新产品开发与设计等方面的知识转移和吸收,提升经营管理能力,不断向高附加值的战略环节转移。其次,优化产品结构。在出口产品品种上,中国家具业应不断优化产品结构,在继续强化木质家具主导出口地位的同时,鼓励其他类型家具出口增长,尤其是金属家具和竹藤制家具,这样可以缓解木质家具原材料匮乏的问题。再次,开拓新的市场并且保住国内市场。 中国家具产业要从依赖某个国外目标市场转向多个区域和国家,要在全球范围内积极寻找和拓展新的目标市场,例如可以进一步开拓澳大利亚,东南亚和南美洲地区的家具市场。出口地区的多元化开发,可以降低由于目标市场衰落所造成的出口风险,也可避免出口地区过于集中所引发的反倾销,更有利于中国家具产业扩大生产规模达到规模效应. 随着经济发展水平的提高,拥有13亿人口的中国国内市场潜力正在显现。发达国家的家具企业已经发现了这个巨大市场,并纷纷借助中国取消家具进口关税的机会,抢占中国国内家具高端市场,而同时,东南亚国家的家具商也已开始争抢国内中低端家具市场份额。进口家具的快速增长迫使中国企业面临更加激烈的竞争,也可以说整个家具行业面临严峻考验。面对13亿人口的消费市场,中国家具企业不能放弃,必须转变思路,首先要保住国内市场。相比国外企业,本国企业更具有优势:更了解本国的文化、社会、法律等;更容易建立销售渠道;更容易创建知名品牌。 从政府层面上说,首先规范行业标准,尤其是森林认证体系标准。促进家具行业的一体化;其次,要调整出口政策;再次,要增强政府的谈判能力,努力寻求公平的外贸环境,加强与国际市场标准接轨,提高产品市场准入;最后,还要鼓励企业进行绿色技术创新。 从行业协会层面上,一方面要对家具出口企业进行适当的行政干预。首先是要对家具出口企业的价格和数量进行监控,对会员企业的家具出口价格进行协调,避免出现恶性的价格战;其次要为会员企业提供各国的经济政策变动情况,尤其是在贸易壁垒方面的倾斜,以便企业能及时作出调整;另外,当企业出口急剧增长或超过一定界限时,行业协会应该及时提醒企业引起重视,必要时可以根据进口国同类企业的反应,适当得进行行政干预。另一方面,还要做好信息传递的工作,充分发挥纽带作用。首先要及时向政府反映家具行业的形势以及家具出口遇到的障碍,为企业争取更多的政策和资金支持;其次要及时向企业提供国内外最新的供求信息,积极为企业拓展渠道。最后,我国家具协会还要加强与展会组织机构的沟通合作,为我国家具出口打造更好的平台。 作者希望通过本文所作的研究,能够为中国家具行业解决出口中的问题提供一些建议和帮助,从而使中国能够长久保持世界家具出口强国的地位,使家具行业为中国经济的增长的新的引擎。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's furniture manufacturing industry has made great progress, and the furniture industry has begun to take shape. According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, the total output value of China's furniture industry reached 241.6 billion yuan in 2007, ranking the first in the world and becoming a major producer and manufacturing center of furniture in the world. With the rapid growth of export trade, the furniture industry has become an important industry for China to earn foreign exchange. In 2005, China leaped to become the world's largest exporter of furniture. As a labor-intensive industry, the furniture industry has provided China with a large number of jobs and considerable profits from exports, making a significant contribution to China's economic growth. China's furniture industry is still immature, and there are still many problems to be solved in the export process, including external and internal problems. Therefore, under the background of economic globalization, it is of great practical significance to study the problems encountered in China's furniture export trade and continue to maintain a rapid growth momentum.
In the first chapter, the introduction part is the theoretical guidance of the whole paper. It introduces the macro-background, micro-background, research status and development trend of China's international trade frictions at home and abroad. It also explains the relevant terms and paves the way for the future articles. On the one hand, China's export earnings are considerable, and its share in the international market is expanding. Moreover, the export products also have the initial primary products to a large number of manufactured goods. On the other hand, China's dependence on foreign countries is still very high, which means that China has been subjected to. The impact of international trade frictions is also very volatile. Serious vicious competition between domestic export enterprises provides opportunities for foreign trade frictions. Micro-level, China's furniture export enterprises have frequently encountered trade barriers from European and American countries since 2003, including traditional anti-dumping, 337 investigations, special protection investigations, and new ones. This chapter also explains the definition and status quo of FSC certification in detail. The relevant data show that China's current FSC certification rate is still very low and can not get rid of the EU's green trade barriers in a short time.
The second chapter of the paper makes a detailed analysis of the export situation of Chinese furniture, mainly including the development of furniture export, production and export, including the overall scale, commodity structure, distribution of export places, trade methods, etc., to pave the way for the following theoretical analysis. After the implementation of the policy of reform and opening-up, the state encouraged foreign-funded institutions to invest in factories and bring in advanced production technology. By the end of the 20th century, China's furniture industry had an unprecedented prosperity and gradually entered the international market. In terms of product composition, wood furniture still accounts for more than 60%, metal furniture accounts for more than 20%. At the same time, recent data show that the proportion of metal and bamboo and rattan furniture is expanding. Latin America and Africa expanded their share of exports.
Chapter 3 of the paper points out that China's furniture export faces two problems. First, the external problems that restrict China's furniture export are mainly anti-dumping, green barriers, exchange rate fluctuations, export rebate rate reduction and other factors. Among them, the impact of FSC forest certification on China's furniture export is mainly analyzed. Following the 4.9% to 198% anti-dumping duties imposed by the United States on China's export of bedroom wooden furniture in January 2005, the Canadian furniture industry filed a special guarantee investigation in November 2005, demanding a three-year high surcharge on Chinese furniture. In addition, with the improvement of environmental protection standards for raw materials, China has been imposing a three-year surcharge on Chinese furniture. Furniture exports will also be directly affected. In May 2010, the European Commission approved a resolution on the award of eco-labelling standards for wooden furniture, 2009/894/EC. The standards focus on environmental protection and aim to reduce the impact on the environment and human health of wooden furniture in the course of its use. On March 3, 2013, the European Union will enforce the "Wood and Wood Regulations and the New Environmental Protection Design Directive". The Directive requires all vendors on the wood production, processing and marketing chain to be exported to the European Union in the future to obtain the FSC (Forest Certification) identity card. Submit basic information on the origin, country and forest, volume and weight of timber, name and address of log supplier to prove the legitimacy of timber sources. However, so far, only about 10% of the world's certified timber has been certified, while less than 1% of the timber in the Chinese market can be certified. Environmental factors are becoming a technological wall abroad. The prominent theme will pose a serious challenge to China's furniture exports with relatively low environmental standards. This paper focuses on the impact of FSC forest certification on world forestry and China's furniture industry, pointing out the direction for China's furniture industry.
In addition, on July 1, 2010, the export rebate rate was lowered from 13% to 11% or 9%, and on August 23, the processing trade policy was readjusted again, and 17 kinds of furniture were listed as restricted export commodities. According to this catalogue, furniture made from domestic wood is not allowed to be exported, but furniture made from imported wood is not. With the development of the world furniture market, China's furniture industry is facing strong international competition pressure. The market share of China's high-end furniture is being grabbed.
Second, the Chinese furniture industry in the export process of their own problems, blindly plagiarism, no brand awareness, the export market is too centralized and so on. Furniture embodies the aesthetic feeling and materials, has obvious public characteristics. Once the product comes out, other manufacturers can easily copy and improve. It has become a "trend": small factories imitate large factories, large factories imitate foreign countries, similar enterprises imitate each other. The main reasons for this industry status are: low entry threshold, shortage of design and research personnel.
With the continuous opening of the international market, China's furniture industry has gradually become a part of the global furniture value chain. According to the profit distribution of different links in the value chain, China's furniture export enterprises mainly adopt OEM and other processing trade methods in the whole production network. The furniture industry is facing a higher level of competition. How to improve the competitiveness of the international market to achieve new industrial growth, this will be an urgent problem.
Chapter 4 puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to the internal and external problems faced by the export of Chinese furniture industry.
On the enterprise level, first of all, we should promote industrial upgrading and increase the added value of products. On the one hand, we can follow the path of industrial upgrading from OEM to ODM and OBM, gradually change the processing and trade mode of OEM, and develop and increase the added value of products in the direction of independent design and creation of our own brands. Second, optimize the product structure. In terms of export products, the Chinese furniture industry should constantly optimize the product structure and continue to strengthen the export of wood furniture. At the same time, we should encourage the export growth of other types of furniture, especially metal furniture and bamboo and rattan furniture, so as to alleviate the shortage of raw materials for wooden furniture.
China's furniture industry should shift from relying on a foreign target market to multiple regions and countries, and actively seek and expand new target markets globally, such as Australia, Southeast Asia and South America. The export risk can also avoid the anti-dumping caused by the over-concentration of export areas, which is more conducive to expanding the scale of production of China's furniture industry to achieve economies of scale.
Furniture companies in developed countries have discovered this huge market and have taken advantage of China's abolition of furniture import tariffs to seize the high-end domestic furniture market. At the same time, furniture manufacturers in Southeast Asian countries have begun to compete. The rapid growth of imported furniture has forced Chinese enterprises to face more fierce competition, or the entire furniture industry is facing a severe test. In the face of the 1.3 billion people's consumption market, Chinese furniture enterprises can not give up, must change their thinking, first of all, to maintain the domestic market. More advantages: better understanding of the country's culture, society, law, etc., easier to establish sales channels, easier to create well-known brands.
From the government level, first of all, standardize the industry standards, especially the forest certification system standards, promote the integration of the furniture industry; secondly, adjust the export policy; thirdly, strengthen the government's negotiation ability, strive to seek a fair foreign trade environment, strengthen the international market standards, improve product market access; finally, encourage Enterprises carry out green technological innovation.
At the level of trade association, on the one hand, we should intervene in furniture export enterprises properly. Firstly, we should monitor the price and quantity of furniture export enterprises, coordinate the price of furniture export of member enterprises and avoid a vicious price war; secondly, we should provide members with the changes of economic policies in various countries, especially in the case of member enterprises. In addition, trade associations should promptly remind enterprises to pay attention to the sharp growth of their exports or exceed certain boundaries. If necessary, administrative intervention can be appropriately carried out according to the reaction of similar enterprises in the importing country. On the other hand, information transmission should be done well. First of all, the government should timely reflect the situation of the furniture industry and the obstacles encountered in furniture export, and strive for more policy and financial support for enterprises; secondly, timely provide enterprises with the latest supply and demand information at home and abroad, and actively expand channels for enterprises. The communication and cooperation of the exhibition organization will create a better platform for our furniture export.
The author hopes that the research in this paper can provide some suggestions and help for China's furniture industry to solve the export problems, so that China can maintain the status of the world's furniture exporting power for a long time and make the furniture industry a new engine for China's economic growth.
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's furniture manufacturing industry has made great progress, and the furniture industry has begun to take shape. According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, the total output value of China's furniture industry reached 241.6 billion yuan in 2007, ranking the first in the world and becoming a major producer and manufacturing center of furniture in the world. With the rapid growth of export trade, the furniture industry has become an important industry for China to earn foreign exchange. In 2005, China leaped to become the world's largest exporter of furniture. As a labor-intensive industry, the furniture industry has provided China with a large number of jobs and considerable profits from exports, making a significant contribution to China's economic growth. China's furniture industry is still immature, and there are still many problems to be solved in the export process, including external and internal problems. Therefore, under the background of economic globalization, it is of great practical significance to study the problems encountered in China's furniture export trade and continue to maintain a rapid growth momentum.
In the first chapter, the introduction part is the theoretical guidance of the whole paper. It introduces the macro-background, micro-background, research status and development trend of China's international trade frictions at home and abroad. It also explains the relevant terms and paves the way for the future articles. On the one hand, China's export earnings are considerable, and its share in the international market is expanding. Moreover, the export products also have the initial primary products to a large number of manufactured goods. On the other hand, China's dependence on foreign countries is still very high, which means that China has been subjected to. The impact of international trade frictions is also very volatile. Serious vicious competition between domestic export enterprises provides opportunities for foreign trade frictions. Micro-level, China's furniture export enterprises have frequently encountered trade barriers from European and American countries since 2003, including traditional anti-dumping, 337 investigations, special protection investigations, and new ones. This chapter also explains the definition and status quo of FSC certification in detail. The relevant data show that China's current FSC certification rate is still very low and can not get rid of the EU's green trade barriers in a short time.
The second chapter of the paper makes a detailed analysis of the export situation of Chinese furniture, mainly including the development of furniture export, production and export, including the overall scale, commodity structure, distribution of export places, trade methods, etc., to pave the way for the following theoretical analysis. After the implementation of the policy of reform and opening-up, the state encouraged foreign-funded institutions to invest in factories and bring in advanced production technology. By the end of the 20th century, China's furniture industry had an unprecedented prosperity and gradually entered the international market. In terms of product composition, wood furniture still accounts for more than 60%, metal furniture accounts for more than 20%. At the same time, recent data show that the proportion of metal and bamboo and rattan furniture is expanding. Latin America and Africa expanded their share of exports.
Chapter 3 of the paper points out that China's furniture export faces two problems. First, the external problems that restrict China's furniture export are mainly anti-dumping, green barriers, exchange rate fluctuations, export rebate rate reduction and other factors. Among them, the impact of FSC forest certification on China's furniture export is mainly analyzed. Following the 4.9% to 198% anti-dumping duties imposed by the United States on China's export of bedroom wooden furniture in January 2005, the Canadian furniture industry filed a special guarantee investigation in November 2005, demanding a three-year high surcharge on Chinese furniture. In addition, with the improvement of environmental protection standards for raw materials, China has been imposing a three-year surcharge on Chinese furniture. Furniture exports will also be directly affected. In May 2010, the European Commission approved a resolution on the award of eco-labelling standards for wooden furniture, 2009/894/EC. The standards focus on environmental protection and aim to reduce the impact on the environment and human health of wooden furniture in the course of its use. On March 3, 2013, the European Union will enforce the "Wood and Wood Regulations and the New Environmental Protection Design Directive". The Directive requires all vendors on the wood production, processing and marketing chain to be exported to the European Union in the future to obtain the FSC (Forest Certification) identity card. Submit basic information on the origin, country and forest, volume and weight of timber, name and address of log supplier to prove the legitimacy of timber sources. However, so far, only about 10% of the world's certified timber has been certified, while less than 1% of the timber in the Chinese market can be certified. Environmental factors are becoming a technological wall abroad. The prominent theme will pose a serious challenge to China's furniture exports with relatively low environmental standards. This paper focuses on the impact of FSC forest certification on world forestry and China's furniture industry, pointing out the direction for China's furniture industry.
In addition, on July 1, 2010, the export rebate rate was lowered from 13% to 11% or 9%, and on August 23, the processing trade policy was readjusted again, and 17 kinds of furniture were listed as restricted export commodities. According to this catalogue, furniture made from domestic wood is not allowed to be exported, but furniture made from imported wood is not. With the development of the world furniture market, China's furniture industry is facing strong international competition pressure. The market share of China's high-end furniture is being grabbed.
Second, the Chinese furniture industry in the export process of their own problems, blindly plagiarism, no brand awareness, the export market is too centralized and so on. Furniture embodies the aesthetic feeling and materials, has obvious public characteristics. Once the product comes out, other manufacturers can easily copy and improve. It has become a "trend": small factories imitate large factories, large factories imitate foreign countries, similar enterprises imitate each other. The main reasons for this industry status are: low entry threshold, shortage of design and research personnel.
With the continuous opening of the international market, China's furniture industry has gradually become a part of the global furniture value chain. According to the profit distribution of different links in the value chain, China's furniture export enterprises mainly adopt OEM and other processing trade methods in the whole production network. The furniture industry is facing a higher level of competition. How to improve the competitiveness of the international market to achieve new industrial growth, this will be an urgent problem.
Chapter 4 puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to the internal and external problems faced by the export of Chinese furniture industry.
On the enterprise level, first of all, we should promote industrial upgrading and increase the added value of products. On the one hand, we can follow the path of industrial upgrading from OEM to ODM and OBM, gradually change the processing and trade mode of OEM, and develop and increase the added value of products in the direction of independent design and creation of our own brands. Second, optimize the product structure. In terms of export products, the Chinese furniture industry should constantly optimize the product structure and continue to strengthen the export of wood furniture. At the same time, we should encourage the export growth of other types of furniture, especially metal furniture and bamboo and rattan furniture, so as to alleviate the shortage of raw materials for wooden furniture.
China's furniture industry should shift from relying on a foreign target market to multiple regions and countries, and actively seek and expand new target markets globally, such as Australia, Southeast Asia and South America. The export risk can also avoid the anti-dumping caused by the over-concentration of export areas, which is more conducive to expanding the scale of production of China's furniture industry to achieve economies of scale.
Furniture companies in developed countries have discovered this huge market and have taken advantage of China's abolition of furniture import tariffs to seize the high-end domestic furniture market. At the same time, furniture manufacturers in Southeast Asian countries have begun to compete. The rapid growth of imported furniture has forced Chinese enterprises to face more fierce competition, or the entire furniture industry is facing a severe test. In the face of the 1.3 billion people's consumption market, Chinese furniture enterprises can not give up, must change their thinking, first of all, to maintain the domestic market. More advantages: better understanding of the country's culture, society, law, etc., easier to establish sales channels, easier to create well-known brands.
From the government level, first of all, standardize the industry standards, especially the forest certification system standards, promote the integration of the furniture industry; secondly, adjust the export policy; thirdly, strengthen the government's negotiation ability, strive to seek a fair foreign trade environment, strengthen the international market standards, improve product market access; finally, encourage Enterprises carry out green technological innovation.
At the level of trade association, on the one hand, we should intervene in furniture export enterprises properly. Firstly, we should monitor the price and quantity of furniture export enterprises, coordinate the price of furniture export of member enterprises and avoid a vicious price war; secondly, we should provide members with the changes of economic policies in various countries, especially in the case of member enterprises. In addition, trade associations should promptly remind enterprises to pay attention to the sharp growth of their exports or exceed certain boundaries. If necessary, administrative intervention can be appropriately carried out according to the reaction of similar enterprises in the importing country. On the other hand, information transmission should be done well. First of all, the government should timely reflect the situation of the furniture industry and the obstacles encountered in furniture export, and strive for more policy and financial support for enterprises; secondly, timely provide enterprises with the latest supply and demand information at home and abroad, and actively expand channels for enterprises. The communication and cooperation of the exhibition organization will create a better platform for our furniture export.
The author hopes that the research in this paper can provide some suggestions and help for China's furniture industry to solve the export problems, so that China can maintain the status of the world's furniture exporting power for a long time and make the furniture industry a new engine for China's economic growth.
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