[Abstract]:This paper takes the Shanghai Aluminium Industry Association as the research object, through the analysis of its current political and economic environment, combined with the transaction cost theory, collective action theory, referring to the domestic and foreign aluminum industry related industry association's position, the function scope, The organization structure, etc., compares the literature review and survey data of the Shanghai Aluminum Industry Association, so as to carefully judge the orientation of the Shanghai Aluminium Industry Association, the degree of compatibility between the development model and the development of the intelligent industry, and according to the characteristics of the intelligent industry, According to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Shanghai Aluminium Industry Association, the countermeasures and suggestions are given. The author thinks that the Shanghai Aluminium Industry Association needs to adapt to the changes of the environment and reposition it as the middleware and database of the intelligent industry of the aluminum industry, and give the countermeasures and optimization principles for the optimization of the business model. Finally, the author lists the ideas, methods, principles and suggestions that are beneficial to the development of China's trade associations. On the whole, it is to combine the scope of the association's activities with the development trend of the intelligent industry, and build the trade association into "middleware" and "database", and become the middleware essential for the development of technology, brand, business and finance in the industry. Promote industry associations to do better and stronger.
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