发布时间:2018-09-09 16:49
【摘要】:建立科学合理的钢铁企业能耗指标体系是事关钢铁行业节能减排的大事,纷繁芜杂的钢铁能源流也亟须一套精准的衡量标尺。当前,对钢铁企业能耗指标体系有系统性指导的文件只有早在1982年4月12日就已经颁发执行的《钢铁企业能源平衡表及能耗指标计算办法的暂行规定》(以下简称《暂行规定》)。三十年来,《暂行规定》及相关学者的研究成果对统一我国钢铁企业能源平衡计算和规范节能指标、促进企业节能等发挥了重要作用,但该《暂行规定》经多年应用至今未曾有实质性的修订或补充。随着我国钢铁行业结构的不断调整,其中的一些内容与现今钢铁企业的管理、生产方式越来越不相适应,一些概念定义的疏漏也已显现。因此,建立科学、合理、可操作性强的能耗指标体系正当其时,本文基于以上原因开展了相关研究工作。 (1)本文通过开展调查研究和资料分析,全面梳理我国钢铁企业能耗统计现状,指出以往有关能耗指标体系的阶段性研究成果至今尚未形成广泛共识的症结所在,从工艺流程和产品结构不同、能源折标准煤系数变化两个方面对致使现有能耗指标不可比的原因进行了深入分析,为后续钢铁企业新的能耗指标体系的提出奠定了基础。 (2)基于钢铁企业现行能耗指标存在的问题,依据指标体系建立的方法和基本原则,充分考虑钢铁企业的实际特点,提出了新的钢铁企业能耗指标体系。指标体系的总目标为钢铁企业能耗统计与管理;总目标下又分成3个子指标(一级指标),即综合性能耗指标、工序区段性能耗指标、终端产品能耗指标三个一级指标;一级指标又分解为21个二级指标。该指标体系既包含反映钢铁企业自身能耗水平的吨钢综合能耗指标,也包括不同钢铁企业同类工序间相对可比的单位产品工序能耗指标,同时还包括不同钢铁企业同类大宗产品相对可比的终端产品能耗指标。 (3)耗能工质折标准煤系数的确定,一直以来是能源研究学者和企业能源管理者争议的焦点,本文在研读前人著述的基础上,提出了用基准等价热值作为耗能工质折算标准煤的依据,解决了原有折算方法将能源加工转换环节能耗转嫁到各主要生产工序中的问题,真实反映主流程及能源加工转化工序能源消耗情况,使工序能耗真正可比。 (4)新的能耗指标体系及其计算方法应用于南钢、鞍钢两大钢铁企业的能耗统计与计算。通过分析比较证明,新的能耗指标体系及其计算方法在评价钢铁企业自身能耗及各工序能耗、终端产品能耗水平方面,具有客观、合理、可操作性强等优势,对于钢铁企业能耗评价及节能减排具有理论和实际的双重指导价值。
[Abstract]:The establishment of a scientific and reasonable energy consumption index system for iron and steel enterprises is a major event related to energy saving and emission reduction in iron and steel industry. At present, only the documents which have systematic guidance to the energy consumption index system of iron and steel enterprises have been issued and implemented as early as April 12, 1982, the interim provisions on the calculation of Energy balance Table and Energy consumption Index of Iron and Steel Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "interim provisions"). Over the past 30 years, the interim regulations and the research results of relevant scholars have played an important role in unifying the calculation of energy balance in Chinese iron and steel enterprises, standardizing energy conservation indicators, and promoting enterprise energy conservation. However, the interim provisions have not been substantially revised or supplemented after many years of application. With the continuous adjustment of the structure of iron and steel industry in our country, some of its contents are more and more inadaptable to the management of iron and steel enterprises and the production mode is becoming more and more unsuitable, and some omissions in the definition of some concepts have also appeared. Therefore, it is time to establish a scientific, reasonable and operable energy consumption index system. Based on the above reasons, this paper has carried out related research work. (1) this paper carries out investigation and data analysis. This paper comprehensively combs the present situation of energy consumption statistics in iron and steel enterprises in our country, and points out that the crux of the previous stage research results on energy consumption index system has not yet formed a broad consensus, because the process flow and product structure are different. In this paper, the causes of the incomparable energy consumption index are analyzed in two aspects: the change of energy standard coal coefficient. It lays a foundation for the following proposal of new energy consumption index system for iron and steel enterprises. (2) based on the problems existing in the current energy consumption index of iron and steel enterprises, the method and basic principles of the establishment of the index system are introduced. Considering the actual characteristics of iron and steel enterprises, a new energy consumption index system for iron and steel enterprises is put forward. The total target of the index system is the energy consumption statistics and management of iron and steel enterprises, and the total target is divided into three sub-indexes (first class index), that is, comprehensive energy consumption index, process segment energy consumption index and end product energy consumption index. The first class index is decomposed into 21 second-level indexes. The index system includes not only the comprehensive energy consumption index of steel per ton, which reflects the energy consumption level of iron and steel enterprises themselves, but also the energy consumption index per unit product process, which is relatively comparable among the similar processes in different iron and steel enterprises. At the same time, it also includes the energy consumption index of the end products of similar bulk products of different iron and steel enterprises. (3) the determination of standard coal coefficient of energy consumption fluids has always been the focus of controversy between energy researchers and energy managers in enterprises. On the basis of reading previous works, this paper puts forward that the standard equivalent calorific value is used as the basis of converting energy working fluid into standard coal, which solves the problem that the energy consumption of energy processing and conversion link is transferred to the main production processes by the original conversion method. The energy consumption of the main process and the energy conversion process is truly reflected so that the energy consumption of the process is really comparable. (4) the new energy consumption index system and its calculation method are applied to the statistics and calculation of energy consumption in the two major iron and steel enterprises of Nangang and Angang. Through analysis and comparison, it is proved that the new energy consumption index system and its calculation method have the advantages of objectivity, reasonableness and maneuverability in evaluating the energy consumption of iron and steel enterprises themselves and the energy consumption of each process and the energy consumption level of the end product. It has both theoretical and practical guiding value for energy consumption evaluation and energy saving and emission reduction in iron and steel enterprises.
[Abstract]:The establishment of a scientific and reasonable energy consumption index system for iron and steel enterprises is a major event related to energy saving and emission reduction in iron and steel industry. At present, only the documents which have systematic guidance to the energy consumption index system of iron and steel enterprises have been issued and implemented as early as April 12, 1982, the interim provisions on the calculation of Energy balance Table and Energy consumption Index of Iron and Steel Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "interim provisions"). Over the past 30 years, the interim regulations and the research results of relevant scholars have played an important role in unifying the calculation of energy balance in Chinese iron and steel enterprises, standardizing energy conservation indicators, and promoting enterprise energy conservation. However, the interim provisions have not been substantially revised or supplemented after many years of application. With the continuous adjustment of the structure of iron and steel industry in our country, some of its contents are more and more inadaptable to the management of iron and steel enterprises and the production mode is becoming more and more unsuitable, and some omissions in the definition of some concepts have also appeared. Therefore, it is time to establish a scientific, reasonable and operable energy consumption index system. Based on the above reasons, this paper has carried out related research work. (1) this paper carries out investigation and data analysis. This paper comprehensively combs the present situation of energy consumption statistics in iron and steel enterprises in our country, and points out that the crux of the previous stage research results on energy consumption index system has not yet formed a broad consensus, because the process flow and product structure are different. In this paper, the causes of the incomparable energy consumption index are analyzed in two aspects: the change of energy standard coal coefficient. It lays a foundation for the following proposal of new energy consumption index system for iron and steel enterprises. (2) based on the problems existing in the current energy consumption index of iron and steel enterprises, the method and basic principles of the establishment of the index system are introduced. Considering the actual characteristics of iron and steel enterprises, a new energy consumption index system for iron and steel enterprises is put forward. The total target of the index system is the energy consumption statistics and management of iron and steel enterprises, and the total target is divided into three sub-indexes (first class index), that is, comprehensive energy consumption index, process segment energy consumption index and end product energy consumption index. The first class index is decomposed into 21 second-level indexes. The index system includes not only the comprehensive energy consumption index of steel per ton, which reflects the energy consumption level of iron and steel enterprises themselves, but also the energy consumption index per unit product process, which is relatively comparable among the similar processes in different iron and steel enterprises. At the same time, it also includes the energy consumption index of the end products of similar bulk products of different iron and steel enterprises. (3) the determination of standard coal coefficient of energy consumption fluids has always been the focus of controversy between energy researchers and energy managers in enterprises. On the basis of reading previous works, this paper puts forward that the standard equivalent calorific value is used as the basis of converting energy working fluid into standard coal, which solves the problem that the energy consumption of energy processing and conversion link is transferred to the main production processes by the original conversion method. The energy consumption of the main process and the energy conversion process is truly reflected so that the energy consumption of the process is really comparable. (4) the new energy consumption index system and its calculation method are applied to the statistics and calculation of energy consumption in the two major iron and steel enterprises of Nangang and Angang. Through analysis and comparison, it is proved that the new energy consumption index system and its calculation method have the advantages of objectivity, reasonableness and maneuverability in evaluating the energy consumption of iron and steel enterprises themselves and the energy consumption of each process and the energy consumption level of the end product. It has both theoretical and practical guiding value for energy consumption evaluation and energy saving and emission reduction in iron and steel enterprises.
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