发布时间:2018-09-17 07:36
【摘要】:“‘两化’互动、统筹城乡”发展战略是在四川省第十次党代会上提出来的。所谓“两化”就是指工业化和城镇化。 “两化”的发展水平是衡量我国现代化程度的重要标志,也是一个国家或地区经济发展水平的集中体现。它们就好像一对孪生姊妹,工业化必然带来城镇化的发展,城镇化反过来又会促进工业化的进步。 工业化是指一个国家或地区从一种社会形态向另一种社会形态转变的过程,这种形态的转变过程主要表现在大机器、大生产、大技术替代传统手工生产,社会生产力显著提高,国民财富快速增长,现代化程度逐步提升,传统的农业社会结构逐步被以高新技术产业为支撑的工业社会所替代的过程。这种过程中伴随着技术的革新,意识形态领域的发展,体制机制的创新、人们生活方式的转变,就业结构的转化,人均收入的增长,社会财富的积累。 城镇化是社会生产力发展到一定阶段的必然产物,也是我国当前经济社会发展的重要引擎。城镇化又名城市化,是对于城市发展的过程和结果的高度概括,其直接的表现方式是农村人口转变成为了城镇人口,城镇数量和大小逐渐增加,城镇逐步取代农村,城镇居民收入提高。其间接的表现形式是:人们生产关系和生活方式的变化,价值观念的转变,社会思潮的发展;城镇化的过程伴随着工业化进程的发展,社会生产力大幅提高;城镇经济发展迅猛并逐步占据经济发展中的首要地位。 目前,四川工业化城镇化水平与全国平均水平相比还有较大差距,.资金短缺是其中一个较大的障碍。金融作为国民经济的核心命脉,具有优化生产要素布局、整合优势资源的作用,在经济社会发展中扮演着十分重要的角色。因此,深入探讨“两化”与金融发展的关系;“两化”互动过程中,金融如何提供足够的资金支持推动“两化”的发展,在当今时代具有很强的现实意义。 论文的第一章节为绪论部分,简要分析了选题的背景和意义,本文的框架结构及存在的优点不足。由于研究条件及个人知识水平有限,虽然笔者用了大量的时间查找数据,但是本文所建立的模型只是小样本模型,在以后的工作中还当进一步完善。 论文的第二章节分别对工业化、城镇化和金融发展的概念、内涵、相关理论做了详细描述,并在此基础上分析了三者之间的关系,即“两化”是如何互动发展的,“两化”与金融发展的相互影响和作用机制。 本章第一小节首先给出工业化的概念和内涵。其次将各个学派的工业化理论进行了概括归类,大体可以分为四大理论:大推进理论、不平衡发展理论、二元经济结构理论、经济成长阶段论。再次将工业化按阶段进行划分,划分的标准主要依据两大理论:库兹涅茨工业化论、标准工业化结构转换模型。最后,罗列分析了各项评定工业化标准的指标。第二小节研究的城镇化理论,首先也是给城镇化下了定义,根据不同学者研究目的和角度的不同,城镇化有各种不同的定义。归纳起来,城镇化分为:非实体城镇化,即人们思想、认知、意识、精神层面的变化,由以往的农村层面的生活方式转变为城镇生活方式的过程。实体城镇化,主要表现在城镇大小、数量、规模、人口数、产业结构等的变化过程。通过城镇化的过程,逐步消除农村与城镇的二元结构,实现城乡一体化,并最终实现经济社会全面协调发展。其次,按照城镇化的内容划分,将城镇化归纳为:人口城镇化、经济城镇化、社会城镇化。由于数据的可采集性,本文在实证部分指标的选取上用到的是人口城镇化指标,但是笔者认为,全面衡量城镇化发展水平更多应该看社会城镇化指标。社会城镇化主要衡量的是随着经济社会的全面发展,人们物质生活水平是否随之提高、精神文化是否更加丰富、幸福指数是否逐步提升等,这才是城镇化最终要实现的目标。如果城镇化仅仅表现为城镇数量增多、城镇人口增长、城镇经济发展,但是并不能将发展成果惠及于民,并不能带来社会福利、居住环境等方面的提升,城镇化就失去了最本质的意义。第三小节介绍了金融的三大理论,即金融结构论、金融抑制论、金融功能论,对三大理论的介绍也是对金融近代发展史的一个简要回顾。第四小节分析了工业化城镇化与金融发展的作用机制,通过分析得出金融发展对工业化城镇化有积极的推动作用。 论文的第三章深入分析了四川工业化、城镇化、金融发展的现状,呈现的特征及存在的问题。 3.1节分析了四川城市发展现状,回顾了自改革开放以来,城镇化发展的三个阶段,并通过分析发现,四川地区城镇化水平与全国平均水平还有较大差距:城镇规模体系不合理,超大城市只有成都1个,中等和中小城市居多,中间出现断层现象;四川各地市州发展差异较大,城镇化率最高的成都和城镇化率最低的甘孜州之间相差44.6个百分点,发展不均衡的现象较为严重。3.2节回顾了四川建国初期以来工业化发展的三个阶段,描述了工业化的现状和特征,主要表现在:工业产业更具竞争力;由一元工业化向二元工业化互动发展转变;传统工业化与新型工业化齐头并进、双轮驱动;优势工业产业初具规模、集中度较高,正逐步产生集群效应。3.3节分析了四川金融发展的现状,通过总量分析、效率分析、结构分析回顾了改革开放以来四川金融发展的历程。3.4节着重分析四川“两化”互动与金融发展中存在的问题,主要表现在:对金融支持工业化城镇化认识不足,金融发展缺乏战略眼光;金融供给总量不足,资金供求缺口明显:金融支持手段单一,市场机制难以发挥作用;城镇化融资格局存在隐忧,财税体制亟待规整;工业化与城镇化协调发展问题突出。 本文第四章是实证分析部分,通过定量分析的方式探讨四川工业化城镇化与金融发展的关系。 4.1节介绍了本文指标的选取,本文选取了四个指标:工业化率IND(工业增加值/GDP)、城镇化率URB(城镇人口/总人口)、金融相关率FIR(金融机构存贷款余额/GDP)、人均GDP。其中,IND和URB是被解释变量,FIR、RGDP是解释变量。4.2节说明了本文数据来源。4.3节介绍了本文所要用到的Panel Data模型以及该模型的三种类型。4.4节运用eviews软件,通过比较P值,在混合模型和个体固定效应模型中进行模型选取,并通过Hausman统计量检验排除个体随机效应模型,因此,本选取的模型为个体固定效应模型。4.5节分别以IND和URB作为被接受变量得出实证结果。4.6节对实证结果进行分析得出:(1)四川地区金融发展水平、经济发展水平与工业化水平成显著正相关关系,金融的发展、经济的增长对于推动工业化进程起到了积极的作用,实证结果与理论是相符合的。(2)金融发展对于城镇化的推动作用也是显著的,金融发展与城镇化成正相关关系,人均GDP与城镇化也成正相关关系,且显著性水平均在95%以上。实证结果与理论相符合。(3)经济发展对工业化城镇化的影响比金融更敏感,金融发展对于工业化的推动作用比城镇化更强。由此得出,一是四川地区正处于工业化和城镇化建设的加速期,此时的经济发展具有很强活力,且经济发展的成果已经惠及到了工业和城镇建设领域,目前四川地区经济发展的态势良好。二是四川地区工业化发展步伐超前城镇化,经济金融发展的成果更多惠及到了工业化中,经济金融带动工业发展的力度更大,通过实证得出的这一结论与四川目前发展的现状相吻合。当前,四川地区城镇化水平滞后于工业化水平,从实证分析也得到了较好的验证。三是四川地区应当进一步出台相应的激励政策,提高金融效率,促进金融在支持城镇化建设中发挥更大作用。积极发展各类金融机构,构建多元化的金融服务平台,提高城镇化建设中的金融服务水平,提升融资的效率。提高金融管理水平,深化金融体制改革,构建完善的金融服务体系,充分激活金融在“两化”互动中的积极作用,拓展信贷业务,创新信贷品种,并建立严洛的监管机制,完善政策体系和法律保障,为四川实施“‘两化’互动、统筹城乡”发展战略营造良好的金融环境,逐步缩小四川与东部沿海城市的发展差距,助推四川地区“两化”互动发展再上新的高度。 本文第五章是对策建议部分,通过前面几个章节的分析,得出本文的对策:坚定不移推进西部金融中心建设;加快推进中小城市金融发展,构建多元化的投融资体系;发挥金融机构作用,合理利用和发展政府投资公司;积极推动金融创新;完善农村金融服务体系。 本文主要用实证的方法对目前四川地区“两化”互动与金融发展的关系、金融如何在“两化”互动中发挥更大作用、提供足够的资金支持进行了尝试性的分析,目的是能够将前人研究成果和目前四川的发展战略有机结合起来。但是鉴于自身知识的浅薄和工作经验的欠缺,文中肯定存在许多的不足和片面之处,敬请专家学者们给予批评指正,本人将在以后的工作中继续学习、继续探索。谢谢各位评审专家!
[Abstract]:The development strategy of "the interaction of the two modernizations and the overall planning of urban and rural areas" was put forward at the 10th Party Congress of Sichuan Province. The so-called "two modernizations" refers to industrialization and urbanization.
The development level of "two modernizations" is an important symbol to measure the degree of modernization of our country, and it is also a concentrated reflection of the level of economic development of a country or region.
Industrialization refers to the process in which a country or region changes from one social form to another. The process of transformation is mainly manifested in the replacement of traditional handicraft production by large machines, large-scale production and large-scale technology, the marked improvement of social productive forces, the rapid growth of national wealth, the gradual improvement of modernization, and the traditional agricultural social knot. This process is accompanied by technological innovation, the development of ideology, the innovation of system and mechanism, the change of people's life style, the transformation of employment structure, the increase of per capita income and the accumulation of social wealth.
Urbanization is the inevitable outcome of the development of social productive forces to a certain stage and an important engine of China's current economic and social development. The indirect manifestations are: the change of people's production relations and life styles, the change of values, the development of social ideological trend; the process of urbanization accompanied by the development of industrialization, the social productive forces have greatly increased; the rapid development of urban economy and the gradual occupation of economic development. The first place in the exhibition.
At present, the level of industrialization and urbanization in Sichuan is still lagging behind the national average. The shortage of funds is one of the major obstacles. Finance, as the core lifeline of the national economy, plays a very important role in the economic and social development by optimizing the distribution of production factors and integrating the advantages of resources. It is of great practical significance to discuss the relationship between the two modernizations and the development of finance, and how to provide sufficient financial support to promote the development of the two modernizations in the process of their interaction.
The first chapter of this paper is the introduction part, which briefly analyzes the background and significance of the topic, the framework and the advantages and disadvantages of this paper. One step is perfect.
In the second chapter, the concept, connotation and related theories of industrialization, urbanization and financial development are described in detail. On this basis, the relationship between them is analyzed, that is, how the "two modernizations" develop mutually, and the mutual influence and mechanism between the "two modernizations" and financial development.
The first section of this chapter firstly gives the concept and connotation of industrialization. Secondly, it classifies the industrialization theories of each school into four major theories: the theory of great advance, the theory of unbalanced development, the theory of dual economic structure and the theory of stages of economic growth. According to two theories: Kuznets industrialization theory, standard industrialization structure transformation model. Finally, it lists and analyzes the indicators to evaluate the industrialization standard. The second section studies the urbanization theory, first of all, defines urbanization. According to the different research purposes and angles of different scholars, urbanization has different definitions. To take it into account, urbanization can be divided into non-physical urbanization, that is, the change of people's thinking, cognition, consciousness and spiritual level, the process of changing from the rural life style to the urban life style. Secondly, according to the content of urbanization, urbanization can be divided into population urbanization, Economic Urbanization and social urbanization. Because of the data collection, this paper uses some indicators in the empirical study. It is an indicator of population urbanization, but the author thinks that the overall measure of urbanization development level should be more social urbanization indicators. Urbanization is the ultimate goal of urbanization. If urbanization is only manifested in the increase of the number of towns, the growth of urban population and the development of urban economy, but it can not benefit the people, and can not bring about social welfare, living environment and other aspects of upgrading, urbanization will lose its most essential significance. The third section introduces the three major financial aspects. Theory, namely financial structure theory, financial restraint theory, financial function theory, the introduction of the three major theories is also a brief review of the modern history of financial development.
In the third chapter, the paper analyzes the present situation, characteristics and problems of industrialization, urbanization and financial development in Sichuan.
Section 3.1 analyzes the present situation of urban development in Sichuan Province, reviews the three stages of urbanization since the reform and opening up, and finds that there is still a big gap between the urbanization level in Sichuan and the national average level through the analysis: the urban scale system is unreasonable, there is only one mega-city in Chengdu, most of which are medium-sized and small-sized cities, and there is a fault in the middle. Section 3.2 reviews the three stages of industrialization development since the early founding of the People's Republic of China in Sichuan, describes the current situation and characteristics of industrialization, mainly as follows: Industrial industry is more competitive; from one-dimensional industrialization to two-dimensional industrialization interactive development; traditional industrialization and new industrialization go hand in hand, two-wheel drive; advantage industrial industry has taken shape initially, the degree of concentration is higher, is gradually producing cluster effect. Section 3.3 analyzes the current situation of financial development in Sichuan, through total analysis, efficiency analysis, structure Section 3.4 focuses on the analysis of the problems existing in the interaction between the "two modernizations" and the financial development in Sichuan since the reform and opening up. The main manifestations are as follows: insufficient understanding of financial support for industrialization and urbanization, lack of strategic vision for financial development, insufficient total financial supply, and obvious shortage of capital supply and demand. It is difficult for the market mechanism to play its role because of the single means; there are hidden worries about the financing pattern of urbanization; the fiscal and taxation system needs to be regulated; the coordinated development of industrialization and urbanization is prominent.
The fourth chapter of this paper is the empirical analysis part, through quantitative analysis to explore the relationship between industrialization and urbanization and financial development in Sichuan.
Section 4.1 introduces the selection of indicators in this paper, this paper selects four indicators: industrialization rate IND (industrial added value / GDP), urbanization rate URB (urban population / total population), financial correlation rate FIR (deposit and loan balance / GDP of financial institutions), per capita GDP. Section 4.3 introduces the Panel Data model used in this paper and three types of the model.Section 4.4 uses the Eviews software to select the model in the mixed model and the individual fixed effect model by comparing the P values, and excludes the individual random effect model by Hausman statistic test. Therefore, the selected model is the individual fixed effect model. Section 4.5 takes IND and URB as the accepted variables to get the empirical results. Section 4.6 analyzes the empirical results and draws the following conclusions: (1) There is a significant positive correlation between the level of financial development and the level of economic development and the level of industrialization in Sichuan. The development of Finance and economic growth have played a positive role in promoting the process of industrialization. The empirical results are consistent with the theory. (2) Financial development plays a significant role in promoting urbanization. Financial development has a positive correlation with urbanization, and per capita GDP has a positive correlation with urbanization. The significant level is above 95%. The empirical results are consistent with the theory. (3) The impact of economic development on industrialization and urbanization is more than gold. Financial development is more sensitive than urbanization in promoting industrialization. First, Sichuan is in the accelerating period of industrialization and urbanization. At this time, the economic development is very dynamic, and the fruits of economic development have already benefited the fields of industry and urban construction. Second, the industrialization of Sichuan is ahead of the pace of urbanization, the results of economic and financial development are more beneficial to industrialization, and the economic and financial drive to industrial development is greater. This conclusion is consistent with the current situation of development in Sichuan. At present, the level of urbanization in Sichuan lags behind industrialization. Third, Sichuan should further introduce corresponding incentive policies to improve financial efficiency and promote finance to play a greater role in supporting urbanization. Actively develop all kinds of financial institutions, construct diversified financial service platforms, and improve financial service water in urbanization construction. We should raise the level of financial management, deepen the reform of financial system, build a sound financial service system, fully activate the positive role of Finance in the interaction between the two, expand credit business, innovate credit varieties, establish a strict Luo supervision mechanism, improve the policy system and legal guarantee, and implement the "two" in Sichuan. The development strategy of'interaction, overall planning of urban and rural areas'creates a good financial environment, gradually narrows the development gap between Sichuan and the eastern coastal cities, and promotes the interactive development of'two modernizations' in Sichuan to a new height.
The fifth chapter of this paper is the part of countermeasures and suggestions. Through the analysis of the previous chapters, the Countermeasures of this paper are as follows: unswervingly promoting the construction of financial center in Western China; accelerating the financial development of small and medium-sized cities, building a diversified investment and financing system; giving full play to the role of financial institutions, rationally utilizing and developing government investment companies; and actively promoting finance. Innovation; improve the rural financial service system.
This paper makes a tentative analysis of the relationship between the interaction of "two modernizations" and financial development in Sichuan, how finance plays a greater role in the interaction of "two modernizations" and how to provide sufficient financial support with the purpose of combining the predecessors'research results with the current development strategy of Sichuan. There must be a lot of shortcomings and one-sidedness in the article due to the lack of knowledge and work experience. I would like to ask experts and scholars to criticize and correct them. I will continue to study and explore in the future work. Thank you for your review experts.
[Abstract]:The development strategy of "the interaction of the two modernizations and the overall planning of urban and rural areas" was put forward at the 10th Party Congress of Sichuan Province. The so-called "two modernizations" refers to industrialization and urbanization.
The development level of "two modernizations" is an important symbol to measure the degree of modernization of our country, and it is also a concentrated reflection of the level of economic development of a country or region.
Industrialization refers to the process in which a country or region changes from one social form to another. The process of transformation is mainly manifested in the replacement of traditional handicraft production by large machines, large-scale production and large-scale technology, the marked improvement of social productive forces, the rapid growth of national wealth, the gradual improvement of modernization, and the traditional agricultural social knot. This process is accompanied by technological innovation, the development of ideology, the innovation of system and mechanism, the change of people's life style, the transformation of employment structure, the increase of per capita income and the accumulation of social wealth.
Urbanization is the inevitable outcome of the development of social productive forces to a certain stage and an important engine of China's current economic and social development. The indirect manifestations are: the change of people's production relations and life styles, the change of values, the development of social ideological trend; the process of urbanization accompanied by the development of industrialization, the social productive forces have greatly increased; the rapid development of urban economy and the gradual occupation of economic development. The first place in the exhibition.
At present, the level of industrialization and urbanization in Sichuan is still lagging behind the national average. The shortage of funds is one of the major obstacles. Finance, as the core lifeline of the national economy, plays a very important role in the economic and social development by optimizing the distribution of production factors and integrating the advantages of resources. It is of great practical significance to discuss the relationship between the two modernizations and the development of finance, and how to provide sufficient financial support to promote the development of the two modernizations in the process of their interaction.
The first chapter of this paper is the introduction part, which briefly analyzes the background and significance of the topic, the framework and the advantages and disadvantages of this paper. One step is perfect.
In the second chapter, the concept, connotation and related theories of industrialization, urbanization and financial development are described in detail. On this basis, the relationship between them is analyzed, that is, how the "two modernizations" develop mutually, and the mutual influence and mechanism between the "two modernizations" and financial development.
The first section of this chapter firstly gives the concept and connotation of industrialization. Secondly, it classifies the industrialization theories of each school into four major theories: the theory of great advance, the theory of unbalanced development, the theory of dual economic structure and the theory of stages of economic growth. According to two theories: Kuznets industrialization theory, standard industrialization structure transformation model. Finally, it lists and analyzes the indicators to evaluate the industrialization standard. The second section studies the urbanization theory, first of all, defines urbanization. According to the different research purposes and angles of different scholars, urbanization has different definitions. To take it into account, urbanization can be divided into non-physical urbanization, that is, the change of people's thinking, cognition, consciousness and spiritual level, the process of changing from the rural life style to the urban life style. Secondly, according to the content of urbanization, urbanization can be divided into population urbanization, Economic Urbanization and social urbanization. Because of the data collection, this paper uses some indicators in the empirical study. It is an indicator of population urbanization, but the author thinks that the overall measure of urbanization development level should be more social urbanization indicators. Urbanization is the ultimate goal of urbanization. If urbanization is only manifested in the increase of the number of towns, the growth of urban population and the development of urban economy, but it can not benefit the people, and can not bring about social welfare, living environment and other aspects of upgrading, urbanization will lose its most essential significance. The third section introduces the three major financial aspects. Theory, namely financial structure theory, financial restraint theory, financial function theory, the introduction of the three major theories is also a brief review of the modern history of financial development.
In the third chapter, the paper analyzes the present situation, characteristics and problems of industrialization, urbanization and financial development in Sichuan.
Section 3.1 analyzes the present situation of urban development in Sichuan Province, reviews the three stages of urbanization since the reform and opening up, and finds that there is still a big gap between the urbanization level in Sichuan and the national average level through the analysis: the urban scale system is unreasonable, there is only one mega-city in Chengdu, most of which are medium-sized and small-sized cities, and there is a fault in the middle. Section 3.2 reviews the three stages of industrialization development since the early founding of the People's Republic of China in Sichuan, describes the current situation and characteristics of industrialization, mainly as follows: Industrial industry is more competitive; from one-dimensional industrialization to two-dimensional industrialization interactive development; traditional industrialization and new industrialization go hand in hand, two-wheel drive; advantage industrial industry has taken shape initially, the degree of concentration is higher, is gradually producing cluster effect. Section 3.3 analyzes the current situation of financial development in Sichuan, through total analysis, efficiency analysis, structure Section 3.4 focuses on the analysis of the problems existing in the interaction between the "two modernizations" and the financial development in Sichuan since the reform and opening up. The main manifestations are as follows: insufficient understanding of financial support for industrialization and urbanization, lack of strategic vision for financial development, insufficient total financial supply, and obvious shortage of capital supply and demand. It is difficult for the market mechanism to play its role because of the single means; there are hidden worries about the financing pattern of urbanization; the fiscal and taxation system needs to be regulated; the coordinated development of industrialization and urbanization is prominent.
The fourth chapter of this paper is the empirical analysis part, through quantitative analysis to explore the relationship between industrialization and urbanization and financial development in Sichuan.
Section 4.1 introduces the selection of indicators in this paper, this paper selects four indicators: industrialization rate IND (industrial added value / GDP), urbanization rate URB (urban population / total population), financial correlation rate FIR (deposit and loan balance / GDP of financial institutions), per capita GDP. Section 4.3 introduces the Panel Data model used in this paper and three types of the model.Section 4.4 uses the Eviews software to select the model in the mixed model and the individual fixed effect model by comparing the P values, and excludes the individual random effect model by Hausman statistic test. Therefore, the selected model is the individual fixed effect model. Section 4.5 takes IND and URB as the accepted variables to get the empirical results. Section 4.6 analyzes the empirical results and draws the following conclusions: (1) There is a significant positive correlation between the level of financial development and the level of economic development and the level of industrialization in Sichuan. The development of Finance and economic growth have played a positive role in promoting the process of industrialization. The empirical results are consistent with the theory. (2) Financial development plays a significant role in promoting urbanization. Financial development has a positive correlation with urbanization, and per capita GDP has a positive correlation with urbanization. The significant level is above 95%. The empirical results are consistent with the theory. (3) The impact of economic development on industrialization and urbanization is more than gold. Financial development is more sensitive than urbanization in promoting industrialization. First, Sichuan is in the accelerating period of industrialization and urbanization. At this time, the economic development is very dynamic, and the fruits of economic development have already benefited the fields of industry and urban construction. Second, the industrialization of Sichuan is ahead of the pace of urbanization, the results of economic and financial development are more beneficial to industrialization, and the economic and financial drive to industrial development is greater. This conclusion is consistent with the current situation of development in Sichuan. At present, the level of urbanization in Sichuan lags behind industrialization. Third, Sichuan should further introduce corresponding incentive policies to improve financial efficiency and promote finance to play a greater role in supporting urbanization. Actively develop all kinds of financial institutions, construct diversified financial service platforms, and improve financial service water in urbanization construction. We should raise the level of financial management, deepen the reform of financial system, build a sound financial service system, fully activate the positive role of Finance in the interaction between the two, expand credit business, innovate credit varieties, establish a strict Luo supervision mechanism, improve the policy system and legal guarantee, and implement the "two" in Sichuan. The development strategy of'interaction, overall planning of urban and rural areas'creates a good financial environment, gradually narrows the development gap between Sichuan and the eastern coastal cities, and promotes the interactive development of'two modernizations' in Sichuan to a new height.
The fifth chapter of this paper is the part of countermeasures and suggestions. Through the analysis of the previous chapters, the Countermeasures of this paper are as follows: unswervingly promoting the construction of financial center in Western China; accelerating the financial development of small and medium-sized cities, building a diversified investment and financing system; giving full play to the role of financial institutions, rationally utilizing and developing government investment companies; and actively promoting finance. Innovation; improve the rural financial service system.
This paper makes a tentative analysis of the relationship between the interaction of "two modernizations" and financial development in Sichuan, how finance plays a greater role in the interaction of "two modernizations" and how to provide sufficient financial support with the purpose of combining the predecessors'research results with the current development strategy of Sichuan. There must be a lot of shortcomings and one-sidedness in the article due to the lack of knowledge and work experience. I would like to ask experts and scholars to criticize and correct them. I will continue to study and explore in the future work. Thank you for your review experts.
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