[Abstract]:In market economy countries, tendering has a long history, and at the same time, it also has relatively perfect bidding systems and policies. These systems and policies can, on the one hand, supervise the bidding systems and their implementation in various countries. On the other hand, it can promote the continuous improvement and perfection of the bidding system in various countries. For our country, with the passage of time, the bidding system is also continuously implemented and improved. At the same time, most enterprises begin to pay attention to the bidding system and policies, but there are still some loopholes in the implementation and management of the bidding system. Therefore, it is necessary to improve and perfect the bidding management system of enterprises. On the basis of some theoretical studies on the existing bidding and bidding, we can see that Sany heavy loading Company has begun to develop and expand gradually, and the configuration of procurement projects of Sany heavy loading Company is becoming more and more standardized and humanized. But there are also many shortcomings. Therefore, we should not only find out the problems of bidding management of Sany heavy loading Company, but also draw lessons from others' management experience, such as summing up the advantages of bidding systems in developed countries and regions, and managing the bidding and bidding projects of Sany heavy loading companies. To analyze the root causes of the problem, and put forward improvement measures or suggestions, so as to better Sany reload company for better bidding project management services. In a word, this paper mainly analyzes and studies the current situation of the bidding management of Sany heavy loading Company on the basis of the relevant theory of bidding, and then finds out the problems existing in the bidding of Sany heavy loading Company project. And draw lessons from the advantages of bidding and bidding in developed countries and regions, and draw on the practical quotation to the bidding project of Sany reloading Company, and improve the problems existing in the bidding of Sany heavy loading Company. And put forward to make its bidding rationalization, standardization of the proposal.
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