[Abstract]:Absrtact: with the deepening development of China's economic reform, Chinese tobacco, as a state-owned monopoly enterprise, is facing more and more pressure of reform. According to the general requirements of the reform of the labor distribution system proposed by the State Tobacco Administration, such as "classified management, scientific establishment of posts, clear responsibilities, strict examination and implementation of remuneration", This paper introduces a new concept of management and consummates the performance management mode of "dividing line into blocks and classifying (LBC)". Through this system of clear line, clear responsibility and scientific examination, the author tries to touch the competition consciousness of the employees in tobacco industry and improve the management level of the enterprise. Activate the internal activities of the enterprise. This paper studies the theory and practice of sub-line, classified performance management at home and abroad, and focuses on the introduction and analysis of the existing performance management system of A City Tobacco Company (hereinafter referred to as "A Company"). This paper finds out the reasons that baffle the effect of enterprise performance implementation at present, and, aiming at these reasons, designs a performance management model based on line and block classification appraisal, which adapts to the present business model of A company. The scheme is designed from five aspects, such as design principle, performance wage distribution method, classified assessment method by line and block, dynamic management of assessment index, assessment organization and post setting, etc. The implementation process of the scheme and the performance interview are also worked out. The application of performance result, the form and method of performance appeal form a systematic and complete performance management system.
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