[Abstract]:Old brand has a long history, rich cultural heritage, is an important part of our cultural heritage. However, in recent years, more and more international clothing brands enter the Chinese market, which is a great challenge to the old brands of the clothing industry, and the development of the old brands in the clothing industry is very difficult. How to cultivate the international competitiveness of the old brands of clothing industry and enhance the international position of our country's clothing industry are the problems we should solve. Therefore, from the perspective of brand innovation, it is necessary and urgent to study the old brands in Shanghai clothing industry. This paper is divided into the following five parts: the first part: the concept of brand innovation and related theoretical research, the definition, motivation and principles of brand innovation, brand equity and brand life cycle theory to be studied. The second part: study the history and management status of the old brand in Shanghai clothing industry, and summarize the main problems existing in the old brand of Shanghai clothing industry. The third part: study the driving factors of brand innovation in Shanghai clothing industry, analyze the development of science and technology, the market competition environment, the change of consumer demand and the current situation of brand aging. The fourth part: research Shanghai clothing industry brand innovation strategy, put forward market positioning innovation, product and technology innovation, brand communication innovation, brand extension innovation and business model innovation. The fifth part: study the successful cases of foreign fashion brand innovation strategy, and prove the feasibility of Shanghai clothing industry brand innovation strategy. This paper explores the development of old brands in Shanghai clothing industry from the perspective of brand innovation, and tries to innovate in different degrees in the research object and perspective, which has certain reference value for the development of old brands in Shanghai clothing industry.
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