[Abstract]:Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the country has issued many policies to support the development of coal deep processing industry. Under the circumstances of clear policy environment, coal and natural gas have ushered in a good opportunity for development. China is rich in coal resources, coal prices have dropped sharply in the past two years, and in the future will gradually approach the cost price; At the same time, the growing demand for natural gas, especially the control of air pollution, has further widened the gap between supply and demand in the natural gas market. Compared with pipeline gas, incremental gas and LNG, the main technology of coal making natural gas is mature and has certain cost advantage, and has strong market competitiveness. It is suggested that oil and gas companies should bring coal and natural gas into the development plan of natural gas, take coal produced natural gas as an important supplement to natural gas, carry out project construction steadily and orderly, and ensure that the project meets the national demonstration standard and goal. Pay attention to coal, coal to make natural gas, pipeline, market whole industry chain, and introduce mixed ownership in the whole industry chain, promote the coordinated development of industry chain, attach importance to the cooperation with traditional coal enterprises in the construction of industry chain, reduce coal cost effectively.
【作者单位】: 中国海洋石油总公司新能源办公室;
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