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发布时间:2018-12-09 08:31
【摘要】:航天产业是当今世界所有行业中最具挑战性和最具有广泛带动性的高科技领域之一。发展航天产业是增强经济实力、民族凝聚力、科技实力和国防实力的重要方式,从而催生了“航天经济”时代的来临。 改革开放后,国际趋势和国内政策不断发生着变化。航天工业也正经历着这一前所未有的转变,从以前的单一的面对上级指令和计划的科研类型生产模式向多元的转向国内外市场的转变。这其中不但包括生产科研和产品经营,还包含资产与资本经营模式的转变。在经历这些转变和变革的过程中,有相当一部分的航天企业难以适应,以至于经济效益均出现下降的趋势,甚至有些企业出现难以维持日常的生产经营活动的状况。在如此宏观背景下,认真对航天单位的发展规划方向的问题进行研究,并在社会主义市场经济体制的轨道上进行未来的发展规划,是全面推进企业管理的现代化,重组有效资源,提高航天各企业经济实力的绝对条件。 本文先将我国和国外的航空工业进行比较,表明我国航天和国外存在着不小的差距。之后从航天三院三十五所项目的经营现状出发,对其重点产业领域进行市场环境分析,包括石油领域、光电信息领域与航空制造板块进行了前景和趋势分析、发展基础分析以及技术相关性和发展路线分析。并由此提出航天三院三十五所目前发展规划面临的不足,尤其是从对科学研究规律性认识、市场化的民用产业发展机制、科技创新、成果转化模式以及管理体系方面进行论述,具体的指出了三院三十五所目前发展面临的困境。 本文还着重于研究我国军工企业军民融合发展模式的研究与分析,,以期获得航天企业发展的新道路。在研究我国军工企业军民融合发展模式之后,本文针对航天三院三十五所提出了具体的规划措施,依托航天三院三十五所在不同领域承担的项目,提出了具体而详细的相关规划发展路线。从而为三院三十五所今后军民融合的发展提供了切实而有经济效益的规划与路线。
[Abstract]:Spaceflight industry is one of the most challenging and extensive high-tech fields in the world. The development of spaceflight industry is an important way to strengthen economic strength, national cohesion, scientific and technological strength and national defense strength, thus giving birth to the arrival of the era of "space economy". After the reform and opening up, international trends and domestic policies are constantly changing. The aerospace industry is also undergoing this unprecedented change, from the former single scientific research type production model facing the superior orders and plans to a diversified shift to the domestic and foreign markets. This includes not only production research and product management, but also the transformation of asset and capital management mode. In the process of these changes and changes, a considerable number of aerospace enterprises are difficult to adapt to, so that the economic benefits are declining, and even some enterprises are difficult to maintain the status of daily production and management activities. Under such a macro background, it is necessary to seriously study the direction of the development planning of aerospace units and carry out future development plans on the track of the socialist market economy system, which is to comprehensively promote the modernization of enterprise management. Reorganization of effective resources to improve the absolute conditions for the economic strength of aerospace enterprises. This paper first compares the aviation industry between China and foreign countries, and shows that there is not a small gap between China's aerospace industry and foreign countries. Then, proceeding from the management status of 35 projects in the third Academy of Aerospace, the market environment in its key industrial areas, including the petroleum field, the photoelectric information field and the aviation manufacturing sector, is analyzed in terms of prospects and trends. Development of basic analysis and technical relevance and development route analysis. From this point of view, this paper points out the deficiencies in the current development plan of 35 institutes of Aerospace third Institute, especially from the aspects of understanding the regularity of scientific research, the market-oriented development mechanism of civil industry, scientific and technological innovation, the mode of transformation of achievements and the management system. Specifically pointed out the three-house 35 currently facing the plight of development. This paper also focuses on the research and analysis of the development model of military and civilian integration in China's military industry enterprises in order to obtain a new way for the development of aerospace enterprises. After studying the development model of military and civilian integration in China's military industry enterprises, this paper puts forward specific planning measures for 35 of the third Academy of Aerospace, relying on the projects undertaken by 35 in different fields. Put forward specific and detailed related planning and development route. Thus, it provides a practical and economic plan and route for the future development of military and civilian integration of 35 institutes in the third House.


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