[Abstract]:The price of a Santana used to be 180000 yuan, but now it is about 70, 000 yuan. For the domestic auto and accessories industry, this change reflects the rapid progress of the past, but also foreshadows the reality of low profit margin and deterioration of the living environment. Because the purchase cost has a large proportion in the operation cost of the enterprise, and because the stable supply plays an important role in the operation of the enterprise, effectively measuring and improving the level of supply management has become a key to the survival of the enterprise in the competition. It is also the fundamental significance of this study. The research object of this paper is the first-class supplier of domestic automobile parts industry, and the application of many operation theories based on supply chain management theory in this industry. The purpose of this study is to provide a method to evaluate the performance of enterprise supply management and optimize the results. The main achievement of this paper is to deduce and introduce a PPTs model to assess and improve the performance of supply management. The form of the model is the abbreviation of English Project management,Process management,Team excellence management and Strategy consistency rule. Its contents are as follows: supply management performance evaluation has three dimensions: the project of resource allocation in the task level, the process in the execution direction in the task level, and the outstanding team in the relationship level; The above three directions must be consistent with the corporate strategy. This paper consists of five parts: the first part is the introduction, a brief introduction of the background and significance of the topic, the ideas and research methods of this paper; The second part is the theory and the reality, introduces the reality and the theory background of the automobile parts industry, is the concrete environment of the application of the model, the third part is the introduction of the model, introduces the meaning and content of the model; The fourth part is the application case of the model, the fifth part is the challenge and deficiency of the thesis, as well as the review and prospect of the thesis writing.
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