[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's oil and gas industry, the construction of oil and gas pipelines is advancing by leaps and bounds. At present, pipeline transportation has become the main mode of onshore oil and gas transportation in China. With the rapid growth of long-distance natural gas pipeline, its proportion in China's one-off energy consumption structure is also rising rapidly. Under the premise of steady increase in production of four large-scale natural gas fields in Tarim, Changqing, Sichuan and Qinghai, foreign natural gas resources, such as the Central Asian pipeline, the Sino-Russian pipeline and the Sino-Burmese oil and gas pipeline under construction, are actively introduced. It forms a natural gas supply system covering the whole country, connecting overseas, diversified resources and centralized dispatching. Among them, natural gas transmission and distribution stations, such as gas gathering stations, gas transmission stations, urban gas distribution stations and other stations, are at the core of the whole natural gas pipeline system, in which the risk situation of various complex facilities is the top priority in production. Especially worthy of our attention. In this paper, the risk management model of natural gas station yard is established according to the pipeline index scoring method. At the same time, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of risk factors is carried out by means of chromatography analysis, expert scoring method and expert meeting method, so as to determine the weight of risk factors. The paper is divided into the following aspects: 1. Briefly describes the development background, development trend, research status and scientific basis of natural gas station and yard risk assessment technology. Secondly, the current risk assessment technology is briefly introduced. At the same time, several risk assessment methods, such as index analysis, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), field method (expert scoring), are briefly described in this paper. At the same time, a brief introduction to the software of yaahp analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is also given. 3, risk assessment model. The failure factor model of station yard is established. Including the location and environment of the gas transmission station, underground pipelines, ground pressure equipment, operating equipment, valves, instrumentation, process flow, methane leakage inside the station, fire protection system and safety plan ten parts; The index scoring method proposed by MUHLBAUER is used to evaluate the 10 risk indexes in the model, 4 and the evaluation standard of station and yard risk. Set up a detailed site risk factors and site risk factors scoring standards (including secondary factors). 5, station risk factor weight determination. Combined with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and field method, the risk factors are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, the weight of risk factors is determined, and the maximum score of each failure point including all secondary factors is calculated in order to facilitate the practical application. 6. The risk acceptability criterion combines the relationship between risk and cost and the ALARP principle to draw a risk matrix diagram to determine the acceptability of risk. 7. The practical application of the above risk assessment scheme to find out the main risk factors and the control measures to be taken. In the process of writing, while adopting the general risk control research method, this paper will also apply various theories and methods in the field of risk management in combination with the actual situation of the domestic oil and gas pipeline yard. In order to enhance the scientific nature of the research process and the reliability of the research results. The main research work of this paper is to study the latest trends and achievements of this subject at home and abroad, and consult the relevant literature to enrich the theory of risk control. Then the risk management model is established according to the actual situation of the domestic natural gas stations, and the risk factors in the model are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed, the data obtained are evaluated, and the corresponding treatment scheme is worked out. The main work in the later period is to study the problems related to the station and yard according to the results of the research, and to come up with scientific and effective solutions.
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