[Abstract]:With the development of the economy and the improvement of the people's living standard, the comparative advantage of the traditional production factors is gradually weakened. For a long time, manufacturing, as an engine of economic growth, is closely linked to economic development. Therefore, it is of great significance to grasp the objective law of comparative advantage evolution and explore the path of manufacturing upgrading. The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of comparative advantage evolution on the upgrading of manufacturing industry, and to provide policy suggestions for China to grasp the objective law of comparative advantage evolution and to realize the promotion of manufacturing industry in the global value chain. Therefore, on the basis of the literature review, firstly, the evaluation index system of comparative advantage evolution is constructed, and the dynamic evolution of the comparative advantage after entering the middle-income stage in China is analyzed and the second, The export complexity measures the position of the manufacturing industry in the global value chain since the middle-income stage, and makes a statistical analysis of the manufacturing upgrade process from the three perspectives; and finally, the 27 manufacturing industries are divided into labor-intensive and capital-intensive. The grey theory is used to predict the GM (1, N) model, and the effect of the comparative advantage evolution on the upgrading process of the manufacturing industry is analyzed. On this basis, the historical process of the dynamic evolution of the comparative advantage and the upgrading of the manufacturing industry in China has been further clarified, and the influence mechanism of the comparative advantage evolution on the upgrading of the manufacturing industry is further clarified. The results show that: (1) The overall development trend of comparative advantage is gradually improving. However, the primary production factor has a comparative advantage so far, but its comparative advantage is gradually weakened; the comparative advantage of the high-level production elements presents a generally upward trend, but is still at a disadvantage. (2) From the overall level, the status of the manufacturing in the global value chain is gradually increasing, but the development status is not ideal as compared with other countries in the world, and in addition to the leading position of individual industries, the development of most industries is not only behind the developed countries, And it's behind some of the developing countries. (3) The comparative advantage evolution of the production factors has a positive effect on the upgrading of the manufacturing industry in China. Among them, the comparative advantage evolution of five production factors of labor supply, capital adequacy, human resource level, innovation R & D ability and high and new technology level has been applied to the industry of technology-intensive manufacturing industry, capital-intensive manufacturing industry and capital-intensive manufacturing industry, respectively. The technology-intensive manufacturing industry, the technology-intensive manufacturing industry, has the highest drive factor. (4) Many of the so-called high-tech industries in China are not the industries with high knowledge content and high value-added value. The competitiveness of the so-called high-tech industry is mainly from the low labor cost of our country. The innovation point of this paper is: (1) In the quantitative method of comparative advantage evolution, the existing research is to compare the comparative advantage evolution process with the comparative advantage measurement index, In this paper, a more complete comparative advantage evaluation index system, including primary production factors and advanced production factors, is used to quantitatively analyze the dynamic evolution trend of comparative advantage in China. (2) In the process of index data, the existing research only selects one or more production factors, and analyzes the influence of the dynamic change on the upgrading of the manufacturing industry. In this paper, the ratio of each production factor index and the world average value is taken, and the comparative advantage evolution of each production factor is more objective, and the effect on the upgrading of the manufacturing industry is analyzed. (3) In the model setting, a panel data model is selected to analyze the influence of one or several factors on the upgrading of the manufacturing industry. In this paper, the grey theory prediction GM (1, N) model is selected for empirical analysis, and the difficulty in the data acquisition of the index of comparative advantage evolution of each production factor is solved.
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