发布时间:2018-01-15 18:10
本文关键词:中国促进城镇化健康发展的财政政策选择 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国共产党第十八次代表大会的报告中,“城镇化”成为了高频词汇,总共在十八大报告中全篇被提及了多达七次,成为了当今中国最具有热议性的话题之一。中国的城镇化已经取一定的成绩。可是面对时代的变迁和经济发展的需求,当前中国城镇化的速度和质量都是远远不够的。中国在城镇化的道路还有很长一段路需要走。 近些年来的实践经验表明,我国城镇化水平的逐步上升与财政政策的支持有着密切的关系。因此,建立合理的城镇化财政政策支持体系是我国面临的重大现实课题。中国城镇化的科学发展需要中国政策尤其是财政政策的大力支持和配合,加强财政政策对城镇化建设的倾斜力度和幅度对目前中国发展和稳定都有很强的促进作用。 目前,我国在城镇化发展方面受到理论基础薄弱和实践经验匮乏的约束和限制,城镇化的发展存在诸多弊端和不足,很多措施仅停留在解决表面上的问题,,“头疼医头、脚疼医脚”这种解决方式仅仅是治标,并不能治本。在面临考验和挑战时,现有的利益格局如果不能及时修正不足,必然会阻碍城镇化的进程。 我国的城镇化发展是世界性的难题,受到经济、人口、政治、法制、文化、国防各方面因素的影响,并不是短期内能够解决的问题。因此,政府在城镇化的进程当中更应当通过制定适宜的财政政策,让财政政策在城镇化进程当中扮演好其重要的角色,通过财政收入和财政支出两个方面来规范城镇化过程中的相关行为,并引导城镇化朝着健康良好的方向前进。
[Abstract]:In the report of the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of China, "urbanization" has become a high-frequency word, with a total of seven references in the 18 major reports. China has become one of the most hot topics in China. China's urbanization has made some achievements, but in the face of the changes of the times and the needs of economic development. The speed and quality of China's urbanization are far from enough. China still has a long way to go on the road of urbanization. The practical experience in recent years shows that the gradual increase of urbanization level in China is closely related to the support of fiscal policy. The establishment of a reasonable financial policy support system for urbanization is a major practical issue facing our country. The scientific development of China's urbanization needs the strong support and cooperation of Chinese policies, especially fiscal policies. Strengthening the fiscal policy to the urbanization construction has a strong promoting effect on the development and stability of China. At present, the development of urbanization in China is limited by the weak theoretical foundation and lack of practical experience. There are many drawbacks and deficiencies in the development of urbanization, and many measures are only to solve the superficial problems. "headache cure head, foot pain cure foot." In the face of challenges and challenges, if the existing interest pattern can not be corrected in time, it will inevitably hinder the process of urbanization. The development of urbanization in our country is a difficult problem in the world. It is not a problem that can be solved in the short term because of the influence of economy, population, politics, legal system, culture and national defense. In the process of urbanization, the government should make appropriate fiscal policies to play an important role in the process of urbanization. Through the two aspects of fiscal revenue and fiscal expenditure to standardize the process of urbanization and guide the urbanization towards a healthy and good direction.
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