本文关键词: 实体经济 虚拟经济 税收政策 内需 中小企业 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The real economy is the real economic form of wealth creation. After the financial crisis, all countries attach importance to the development of the real economy, and our country regards the real economy as the strategic key of China's economic transformation. A series of tax policies have been issued to promote the development of the real economy. However, the present situation of the real economy in our country is still not optimistic, and there are still many problems restricting the development of the real economy. The transformation of the mode of economic development, the improvement of the living environment of the real economy and the provision of a good policy environment for it have become a very important and urgent task facing our government. It is of great practical significance to deeply study the current tax policy of promoting the development of real economy in China. Firstly, this paper analyzes the mechanism of tax policy influencing the real economy, and puts forward the supply, demand, direct and virtual economy. Technology, finance, the five aspects of the path choice. In the formulation of timeliness, overall importance, importance, specific tax policy selection principle, to describe the overall situation of the real economy in China. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the real economy of our country, according to the path of the tax policy to solve the problem, this paper combs the tax regulation policy related to the present situation of the real economy of our country, and evaluates it as a whole. Secondly, On the premise of analyzing the impact of different kinds of taxes on the real economy of our country, based on the data of our country from 1995 to 2013, from enterprise income tax, personal income tax, value-added tax, consumption tax, According to the analysis of the test results, we draw the conclusion: to increase the intensity of consumption tax, improve its income distribution and resource allocation function; The short-term promotion of real economy development mainly depends on the adjustment of enterprise income tax and value-added tax; we should pay attention to the long-term perfection of personal income tax, business tax and consumption tax. Japan and the emerging economies of Russia and India have adopted tax policies to promote the development of the real economy after the financial crisis, from expanding domestic demand, reducing the tax burden on enterprises, and promoting economic restructuring. Finally, on the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical test, combined with the reality of China's real economy and the current tax policies, Based on the experience of foreign tax policies to promote the development of real economy, this paper puts forward four guiding principles of "combining with reality", "combination of length and length", "increase and decrease" and "coordination and matching". Some suggestions are put forward to further improve the tax policy in order to promote the development of the real economy in China: to expand the consumption demand through the tax policy of increasing personal disposable income and expanding the propensity to consume, and to solve the problem of financing and employment of small and medium-sized enterprises. The tax policy of profit is difficult to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; from adjusting the tax policy of financial windfall and house price to adjust the fictitious economy; to perfect the tax policy to promote the adjustment of industrial structure and the progress of science and technology.
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