本文关键词: 资金管理 专项资金 公共财政支持 跟踪问效 绩效评价机制 工作流 部门职责 农村建设 综合效益 惠农补贴 出处:《中国财政》2015年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the continuous enhancement of financial strength, the scale of special financial funds related to agriculture is expanding day by day, and the use of funds management is becoming more and more important. There are still some problems in the management of special financial funds related to agriculture that need to be consummated. First, the overlapping responsibilities of the departments and the lack of an effective coordination mechanism corresponding to them have resulted in too many special fund projects and insufficient coordination and communication between them. As a result, the overall benefit of the project is low. Second, the use of special funds is dispersed and the function of fund guidance is not strong, which seriously weakens the relative centralization advantage of special funds related to agriculture and reduces the ability of overall planning and arrangement. Unable to effectively form resultant force. Third, the special fund management lags behind, the tracking mechanism is not smooth, and there is a lack of performance evaluation mechanism corresponding to it. Some localities are not managed, supervision means are not effective, supervision efforts are not in place, and rectification and reform measures are not implemented. In order to meet the requirements of the construction of new rural areas and the overall development of urban and rural areas, we must attach importance to the management of agriculture-related funds, improve the use and management of special financial funds related to agriculture, To realize the new breakthrough. (1) to clean up and integrate, to optimize the structure of the special fund concerned with agriculture. To carry out a comprehensive clean-up of the existing special fund for agriculture, which is not in line with the direction of public financial support or has already been carried out.
【作者单位】: 江苏省如东县财政局如东经济技术开发区财政局;
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