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发布时间:2018-03-30 12:03

  本文选题:政府治理 切入点:中期财政规划 出处:《学术研究》2015年12期

[Abstract]:It is an important part of the reform of the budget management system to comprehensively promote the medium-term fiscal planning. Hebei Province has worked out a three-year rolling budget on a pilot basis during the period of 2008-2013. After five consecutive years of practical exploration, We have accumulated a lot of experience and lessons worth summing up. We have done field research and found that the reasons for the hindrance of the pilot projects in Hebei at that time were mainly that the three-year rolling budget and the economic and social development plan, the various special plans and the annual budgets were difficult to link up. This led to the poor quality, foresight and binding nature of the three-year rolling budget. The deep reason for this is that government governance is based on the annual basis and focuses on the short term. It is suggested that the governing function of the medium-term fiscal planning be clarified, its legal status should be enhanced to restrain the government's medium-term behavior, and the predictability of the government's behavior should be enhanced, and the principle of incentive compatibility should be adhered to, and the responsibilities of all relevant subjects should be clarified. In order to form the governance force, risk analysis and risk tradeoff are injected into the medium-term fiscal planning in order to strengthen the fiscal sustainability.
【作者单位】: 财政部财政科学研究所;财政部财政科学研究所教科文研究中心;


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