本文选题:中央财政转移支付 切入点:省级政府 出处:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since 2009, the financial transfer payment has been adjusted in China, and the financial transfer payment has been further standardized, and the scale has gradually expanded, which has had a profound impact on local finance.Some economists believe that the fiscal transfer payment system should play a positive role in encouraging the local financial efforts on the basis of realizing the fiscal equalization of local governments in different regions.On the premise of fiscal transfer payment adjustment in 2009, based on fiscal transfer payment and relevant theory of fiscal effort, this paper calculates the degree of financial effort of each region according to the fiscal data of 30 provincial regions in China from 2009 to 2014.Based on the financial transfer payment data and the financial effort data of various regions, a measurement model is established to analyze the impact of the central fiscal transfer payment on the financial efforts of provincial governments.By comparing the results of empirical analysis, the system GMM analysis method is the most effective. The conclusion of the empirical analysis is that the central financial transfer payment has a negative effect on the provincial government financial efforts since 2009.But there is a great relationship between the degree of financial effort and the lag of financial effort, and the financial effort has strong path inertia.The empirical results show that the further improvement of the fiscal transfer payment system is conducive to promoting the development of local finance, so we should further improve the fiscal transfer payment system on the basis of correctly handling the financial relationship between the central and local governments.In order to promote the equalization of basic public services, more attention is paid to the fiscal incentive factors in the system design.The innovation of this paper lies in: select the data after fiscal transfer payment adjustment in 2009 to study the impact of central fiscal transfer payment on provincial government financial efforts, and build a theoretical model before empirical analysis.The selection of empirical model variables is more comprehensive.These innovations make the empirical analysis more accurate, and the practical significance of the conclusions is stronger.
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