本文选题:经济增长 + 幸福悖论 ; 参考:《商业经济研究》2015年10期
【摘要】:本文基于2001-2012年世界价值观调查(World Value Survey,简称WVS)数据的中国部分,采用有序概率模型,考察我国公共支出规模与结构对于国民幸福的影响。研究发现:第一,我国经济增长水平与国民幸福之间关联并不明显,存在"幸福悖论"现象。公共支出以倒U型曲线的方式影响国民幸福,其规模并非越大越好。第二,从结构上来看,保障支出对国民幸福产生的影响最为积极,管理支出也起到了间接的正向作用,而建设支出由于其效益的显现需经历较为漫长的时间段,故其对居民当期幸福感的影响为负。鉴于此,政府应充分发挥公共财政的基础作用,适度扩大公共支出规模,优化公共支出结构,以更好的促进国民幸福感的提升。
[Abstract]:Based on the Chinese part of the World Value Survey (WVS) data from 2001 to 2012, this paper investigates the influence of the scale and structure of public expenditure on national happiness by using an ordered probability model. First, the relationship between the level of economic growth and national happiness is not obvious, and there is a phenomenon of "happiness paradox". Public spending affects national happiness in the form of inverted U-shaped curves, not the larger the better. Second, from a structural point of view, security expenditure has the most positive impact on national happiness, and management expenditure also plays an indirect positive role, while construction expenditure has to go through a longer period of time because of its benefits. Therefore, its effect on the well-being of residents in the current period is negative. In view of this, the government should give full play to the basic role of public finance, appropriately expand the scale of public expenditure, optimize the structure of public expenditure, in order to better promote the national happiness.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学经济学院;
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