本文选题:发展阶段性 + 经济发展 ; 参考:《中国财政》2015年14期
[Abstract]:In May 2014, when visiting Henan Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the conclusion of "new normal" which is used to describe the new stage of China's economy, starting from the stage characteristics of China's current economic development. At the Beijing summit of APEC in November 2014, the paper further elaborated the basic characteristics of the "new normal" from three aspects: speed, structure and power; at the 2014 Central Economic work Conference, it highlighted and analyzed the essence of the "new normal" and its nine major trends. Furthermore, it is emphasized that "understanding the new normal, adapting to the new normal and leading the new normal are the great logic of the economic development of our country at present and in the future." There is no doubt that this is also the current and a period of future China's financial development and towards a strong logic. In this logic, how to understand, adapt and guide the new normal is a major task for finance.
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