本文选题:事业单位 + 内部控制 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:内部控制,对于当今企业管理和事业单位管理有着举足轻重的作用。内部控制思想和理论来源于实践,并且在实践中不断地前进和完善。从另一方面来说,内部控制同时也是社会生产力和社会经济发展的产物。对于事业单位来说,,内部控制是为了保证国有资产的安全和完整,提高为社会服务的运行效率,提高会计信息的准确性及质量,能够确保各项规章制度严格贯彻与执行,采取的一种控制的措施或者程序,用于约束自身、调整、控制和评价。 近些年,事业单位不断进行着改制、完善,但是广大的事业单位直至目前尚未建立起一个长效并且可以得到切实执行的内部控制机制。内部控制理论的产生和发展,以及内部控制体系的建立,主要从企业的角度出发,对它进行指引和规范。对于事业单位来说,内部控制层面还是缺乏大量有效的制度指引和依据,并且对于评价其内部控制的合理、完整、有效的标准,也并未有一个公认的规定。 本文可分为三部分,第一部分是事业单位内部控制基本理论,主要对本文的学术及理论基础进行阐述,在这一部分中,突出本文的创新点,分析研究事业单位和企业在内部控制上的差异性;第二部分是具体对事业单位内部控制的研究,基于A事业单位现状,利用具体实例分析,找出A事业单位内部控制的问题和缺陷,并且找出内在原因,进一步提出详细改进的措施;第三部分是对整篇文章的总结,得出对事业单位内部控制研究的主要结论以及对其未来发展方向的展望。通过结合国内外优秀的理论和经验对A事业单位内部控制的完善和发展提出进一步的优化和改进方法,并通过对A事业单位内部控制的介绍与深层剖析为国内其他事业单位内部控制制度的建设、内部控制体系建立以及内部控制的具体实施和操作提供准确可行的方案。
[Abstract]:On the other hand , internal control is the product of social productive forces and social economic development . In the case of institutions , internal control is also the product of social productivity and socio - economic development . For institutions , internal control is to ensure the safety and integrity of state - owned assets , improve the accuracy and quality of accounting information , and ensure the strict implementation and implementation of various rules and regulations , and adopt a kind of control measures or procedures to restrain itself , adjust , control and evaluate .
In recent years , public institutions have continuously reformed and perfected , but the general public institutions have not yet established an internal control mechanism which has long effect and can be effectively implemented . The generation and development of internal control theory , as well as the establishment of the internal control system , are guided and regulated mainly from the angle of enterprises .
This paper can be divided into three parts , the first part is the basic theory of the internal control of the institution , which mainly expounds the academic and theoretical basis of this paper . In this part , the innovation points of this paper are highlighted , and the differences of the research institutions and enterprises on internal control are analyzed .
The second part is the research on the internal control of the public institution . Based on the present situation of the A - institution , the paper finds out the problems and defects of the internal control of the A - institution , and finds the intrinsic reason , and puts forward the measures for further improvement .
The third part is to summarize the whole article , draw the main conclusion to the internal control study of the public institution and the prospect of its future development direction . Through combining the excellent theories and experiences at home and abroad , put forward a further optimization and improvement method , and through the introduction and deep analysis of the internal control of A public institution , provide an accurate and feasible scheme for the construction of the internal control system of other institutions in China , the establishment of the internal control system and the implementation and operation of the internal control .
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