[Abstract]:Local debt and land finance have been endogenous to economic growth, but under the pressure of local fiscal deficit, the lack of effective supervision in the budget law for a long time leads to fiscal and financial risks, which makes the current local government investment-driven growth model unsustainable. This paper analyzes the logical cycle formed in practice among local fiscal deficit, land finance and local debt, and the risk prediction and response of this logic. The analysis shows that there are uncertain impacts on land finance, and the interdependence between land finance and local debt leads to the increase of government public expenditure and economic growth in the short term, but in the long run it will lead to fiscal risks due to soft budget constraints and unsustainable land finance. And may be transmitted to the financial system and the real economy, resulting in financial risks and real economic risks. Therefore, this paper puts forward that it is a reasonable choice to release the implicit risk of local finance by making clear the proper function of local government, setting up the local tax system reasonably and constructing the medium-term budget frame to realize the hard budget constraint.
【作者单位】: 西南财经大学财税学院;四川师范大学社科学报杂志社;
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