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发布时间:2018-08-05 10:20
[Abstract]:Financial incentives are regarded as one of the reasons for the miracle of China's economic growth, and improving the total factor productivity is the key to the transformation of Chinese enterprises from "extensive" to "intensive" growth mode. This paper studies the effect of fiscal incentives on the total factor productivity of enterprises. It is found that there is a "positive U type" between the financial incentives of local governments and the total factor productivity of enterprises, that is, when the tax share rate is small, The marginal effect of fiscal revenue is greater than the marginal cost of harming the economy. At this time, the strengthening of fiscal incentives will lead local governments to strengthen the grab of enterprises and damage the growth rate of all elements of enterprises. The marginal effect of fiscal revenue is smaller than the marginal cost of damaging economy. At this time, the strengthening of fiscal incentive will lead to the local government to strengthen the aid to the enterprises, and promote the increase of the total factor growth rate of enterprises. And this kind of influence can produce heterogeneity because of the property right nature of the enterprise.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学财政金融学院;


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