[Abstract]:Charitable donation, as a balancer to adjust income distribution and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, has become the "third distribution" of national wealth, and its importance has become increasingly prominent and attracted more and more attention from all countries. With the rapid development of charity in modern society, tax policy, as a powerful lever to encourage charitable donation, has been paid more and more attention all over the world. China's philanthropy started late, and its donation scale and development level are still in the backward position compared with the developed countries. Therefore, analyzing the tax incentive policy of charitable donation in western developed countries and comparing it with the situation of our country, drawing lessons from the mature experience of the west, is beneficial to the healthy and orderly development of charity in our country and to the regulation of charity donation. This article has six chapters, the main content is arranged as follows: chapter one, introduction. This paper mainly introduces the background and significance of this paper, the current research situation at home and abroad, the main content and structure framework, as well as the adopted research methods, innovation points and shortcomings. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of social charitable donation. It mainly introduces the concept and theory related to social charitable donation. The third chapter, the influence social charitable donation factor. This chapter mainly analyzes the internal and external factors that affect social charitable donation. Chapter four analyzes the current situation and problems of tax incentives to social charitable donation in China. This chapter mainly analyzes the present situation of social charitable donation in China, especially the existing problems. According to the current tax preferential policy means of encouraging social charity donation, the positive effect of preferential policy is expounded. Chapter five, the international comparison of the incentive effect of tax preference on social charitable donation. This chapter enumerates the policy means of encouraging social donation in developed countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan, especially the most effective tax preferential policies, and combines the specific situation of our country. We will update and improve our country's preferential tax policy on charitable donations. The sixth chapter puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to encourage the social charitable donation tax preference. On the basis of the previous discussion, this chapter puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the preferential tax policy of social charitable donation in China, in order to achieve the purpose of encouraging social charitable donation.
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